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The link between religiousness and prejudice: Testing competing explanations in an adolescent sample.
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1037/rel0000271
James A. Shepperd , Gabrielle Pogge , Nikolette P. Lipsey , Colin Tucker Smith , Wendi A. Miller

Research links intrinsic religiousness to less prejudice toward Black people and greater prejudice toward gay people. We examined longitudinally in a sample of 865 adolescents three variables that might serve as a mediator of attitudes toward Black people yet produce a suppression effect in attitudes toward gay people: (a) humanitarian values, (b) favorable evaluations of social groups, and (c) socially desirable responding. In light of evidence that Black people on average are more religious than are White people, we also examined whether self-identifying as Black helped explain racial prejudice. Our mediation analyses provided strong evidence that humanitarian values and the tendency to view all social groups favorably accounted for the relationship between intrinsic religiousness and positive attitudes toward Black people. We found no support that socially desirable responding or identifying as Black accounted for our effects. Consistent with a suppression effect, controlling statistically for the agreeable aspects of religiousness strengthened the relationship between intrinsic religiousness and prejudice toward gay people. These findings illustrate mechanisms through which intrinsic religiousness can correspond both positively and negatively with attitudes toward marginalized groups.



研究将内在的宗教信仰与对黑人的较少偏见和对同性恋者的较大偏见联系起来。我们在 865 名青少年样本中纵向研究了三个变量,这些变量可能作为对黑人态度的中介,但对同性恋者的态度产生抑制效应:(a)人道主义价值观,(b)对社会群体的有利评价,以及( c) 社会期望的回应。鉴于有证据表明黑人平均比白人更虔诚,我们还研究了自我认同为黑人是否有助于解释种族偏见。我们的中介分析提供了强有力的证据,表明人道主义价值观和对所有社会群体有利的倾向解释了内在宗教信仰和对黑人的积极态度之间的关系。我们发现没有任何支持表明社会期望的回应或认定为黑人可以解释我们的影响。与抑制效应一致,对宗教性的令人愉快的方面进行统计控制加强了内在的宗教性和对同性恋者的偏见之间的关系。这些发现说明了内在宗教信仰可以与对边缘化群体的态度产生积极和消极对应的机制。