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Understanding the Selfobject Needs Inventory: Its relationship to narcissism, attachment, and childhood maltreatment.
Psychoanalytic Psychology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1037/pap0000182
Nicole Nehrig , Scarlett Siu Man Ho , Philip S. Wong

This study reevaluates the factor structure of the Selfobject Needs Inventory (SONI) using a sample of 738 students at an ethnically diverse urban university. The original SONI comprises 5 factors corresponding to approach and avoidance of Kohut’s selfobject needs for mirroring, idealization, and twinship. The current factor analysis revealed 4 factors related to individuals’ needs for affiliation and self-efficacy and indicating conflict around meeting these needs. Relationships between the new SONI factors and attachment style, narcissistic traits in adulthood, and childhood maltreatment were examined for convergent validity with the SONI and to clarify the underlying interpersonal needs of narcissistic variants and potential relationships with childhood trauma. Our results are consistent with Kohut’s conceptualization of narcissism as related to childhood emotional abuse and neglect and more closely related to the vulnerable variant of the narcissistic personality than the grandiose variant. Conflict surrounding selfobject needs may impede the ability to effectively use others to self-regulate, resulting in poorer interpersonal functioning and greater symptomatology than individuals who experience less conflict around using others to meet these needs. Clinical and research utility of the SONI are discussed.



本研究使用一所多种族城市大学的 738 名学生作为样本,重新评估了自我对象需求量表 (SONI) 的因素结构。最初的 SONI 包含 5 个因素,对应于 Kohut 对镜像、理想化和孪生的自体需求的接近和回避。当前的因素分析揭示了与个人对归属​​感和自我效能的需求相关的 4 个因素,并表明在满足这些需求方面存在冲突。研究了新 SONI 因素与依恋风格、成年自恋特征和童年虐待之间的关系,以确定与 SONI 的收敛效度,并阐明自恋变体的潜在人际关系需求以及与童年创伤的潜在关系。我们的研究结果与 Kohut 的自恋概念一致,认为自恋与童年的情感虐待和忽视有关,并且与自恋人格的脆弱变体比夸大变体更密切相关。围绕自我客体需求的冲突可能会阻碍有效利用他人进行自我调节的能力,导致与在利用他人满足这些需求方面冲突较少的人相比,人际交往能力更差,症状更严重。讨论了 SONI 的临床和研究效用。导致与在利用他人满足这些需求方面冲突较少的人相比,人际交往功能更差,症状更严重。讨论了 SONI 的临床和研究效用。导致与在利用他人满足这些需求方面冲突较少的人相比,人际交往功能更差,症状更严重。讨论了 SONI 的临床和研究效用。