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Microaggression and everyday resistance in narratives of refugee resettlement
Migration Studies ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-08 , DOI: 10.1093/migration/mny041
Rowan El-Bialy 1 , Shree Mulay 2

The mental health of resettled refugees is not only affected by the trauma they experience before and while fleeing persecution, but also by experiences during the resettlement process. Drawing on a qualitative study of refugees' experiences of mental wellbeing in a small Canadian city this paper documents participants' experiences of microaggression and everyday resistance. In our analysis, we refer to the metaphor of uprooting that is often used to describe the totality of refugee displacement. In our expansion of the metaphor, microaggression re-uproots resettled refugees by challenging their right to be where they are. Using acts of everyday resistance, participants in our sample attempted to set down roots in the resettlement context despite microaggressions. Participants' acts of everyday resistance are captured under five themes: rejecting victimhood, rejecting burden narratives, ignorance as an explanation, the transience of vulnerability, and setting down roots. This study contributes to the literature that de-emphasizes the vulnerability narrative of refugee mental health by demonstrating the role of personal agency in refugees' experiences of their own wellbeing.


