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Reflections on the challenges of teaching migration in a changing world
Migration Studies ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-14 , DOI: 10.1093/migration/mnx051
Paul Statham 1

The study of migration has transformed and expanded massively, especially over the last 30 years, as issues of migration have moved from the relative margins to the core of politics and global societal change. This is not to say that migration and ethnic relations are more important today than before, but issues about movement, mobility, and the increasing cultural, ethnic and religious diversity this brings, are seen as important challenges to states, legal systems, international relations, and how people live with one another. Migration as a topic has become an important interpretive lens through which societies and people understand the core changes that we experience as a consequence of the increasing globalization processes that shape the contemporary world. This can be ‘for good’, for example, in public mobilizations to support refugees and people displaced from their homes by international conflicts, or ‘for bad’ in the reactionary populist politics that attempts to justify anti-immigration policies by stigmatizing groups on religious, ethnic or racial grounds, such as ‘Muslim bans’ and ‘Building walls’. Here is not the place to unpack these complex developments nor explain the role of migration as a driver and outcome of globalization processes. None the less, it is important to flag up the moving target that our research is trying to understand, because this informs our approaches to teaching migration, and shapes the range of perspectives and topics that we select and group together under the label ‘migration studies’ at a particular historical moment. It is important to ask where migration should rightly sit within teaching programmes today. How can we adapt to keep pace with advancing understanding of the world developments that drive, and are driven by, migration, on one side, and the institutional changes within the university sector that delivers teaching and learning, on the other?to understand, because this informs our approaches to teaching migration, and shapes the range of perspectives and topics that we select and group together under the label ‘migration studies’ at a particular historical moment. It is important to ask where migration should rightly sit within teaching programmes today. How can we adapt to keep pace with advancing understanding of the world developments that drive, and are driven by, migration, on one side, and the institutional changes within the university sector that delivers teaching and learning, on the other?



随着移民问题从相对边缘转移到政治和全球社会变革的核心,移民研究发生了巨大的转变和扩展,尤其是在过去的 30 年中。这并不是说移民和种族关系在今天比以前更重要,但关于流动、流动以及由此带来的日益增长的文化、种族和宗教多样性的问题被视为对国家、法律制度、国际关系、以及人们如何相处。移民作为一个话题已成为一个重要的解释镜头,社会和人们通过它来了解我们由于塑造当代世界的日益全球化进程而经历的核心变化。这可以是“永远的”,例如,在公共动员中支持难民和因国际冲突而流离失所的人,或者在反动的民粹主义政治中试图通过以宗教、民族或种族为由对群体进行污名化,例如“穆斯林禁令”来证明反移民政策的合理性。 '和'建筑墙'。这里不是解开这些复杂发展的地方,也不是解释移民作为全球化进程的驱动因素和结果的作用的地方。尽管如此,标记我们的研究试图理解的移动目标很重要,因为这为我们教授迁移的方法提供了信息,并塑造了我们在“迁移研究”标签下选择和组合在一起的观点和主题的范围。 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’在特定的历史时刻。重要的是要问迁移在今天的教学计划中应该放在什么位置。我们如何适应不断推进对世界发展的理解,一方面推动移民,另一方面由移民推动,另一方面,大学部门内提供教学和学习的机构变革?理解,因为这为我们教授移民的方法提供了信息,并塑造了我们在特定历史时刻选择和组合在“移民研究”标签下的观点和主题的范围。重要的是要问迁移在今天的教学计划中应该放在什么位置。一方面,我们如何适应以跟上对推动和受移民推动的世界发展的深入理解,