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Behavioral Profiles of Anxious Solitary Children: Predicting Peer Relations Trajectories from Third Through Fifth Grades
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.13110/merrpalmquar1982.63.2.0237
Heidi Gazelle , Madelynn D. Shell

Abstract: Consistent with a holistic perspective emphasizing the integration of multiple individual characteristics within child systems, it was hypothesized that subgroups of anxious solitary (AS) children differentiated by agreeable, normal, attention-seeking, and externalizing behaviors would demonstrate enduring heterogeneity in peer relations over the last three years of elementary school, a period of relative ecological stability. Subgroup analyses were conducted with 661 children (mean age in third grade = 8.66 years, 51.6% female) who participated in peer sociometrics in the fall and spring of the third through fifth grades. Recess observations were conducted for a subset of these children (n = 227) once in the third and fourth grades and twice in fifth grade. About half of children retained the same subgroup classification from third through fourth and fifth grades--a significant pattern of stability. Results revealed some normative patterns of change (particularly for recess observations) and group-specific patterns of change in peer relations over time. However, the overarching pattern was stability and the preservation of initial between-group differences in peer relations over time. Taken together, results revealed that Agreeable AS children demonstrated significantly superior relational adaptation relative to other AS children, whereas Normative, Attention-seeking, and Externalizing AS children demonstrated successively worse relational adversity. Attention-seeking AS children engaged in particularly high rates of solitary directed behavior and were most ignored by peers. Both Attention-seeking AS and Externalizing AS children were most often victimized by peers.



摘要:与强调在儿童系统中整合多个个体特征的整体观点一致,据推测,焦虑的孤独(AS)儿童的亚组通过同意的,正常的,寻求注意力和外在的行为加以区分,将证明同伴关系中持久的异质性在小学的最近三年中,有一段相对生态稳定的时期。亚组分析了661名儿童(三年级平均年龄= 8.66岁,女性51.6%),他们在三年级至五年级的春季和春季参加了同伴社会计量学。对这些儿童的子集(n = 227)进行一次隐性观察,一次是在三年级和四年级,一次是五年级。大约一半的孩子在三年级,四年级和五年级保持相同的亚组分类-这是稳定的一种重要模式。结果揭示了一些规范性的变化模式(尤其是对于隐性观察)以及随着时间的推移,同伴关系中特定于群体的变化模式。但是,总体模式是稳定,并随着时间的推移保持了同伴关系中最初的群体间差异。两者合计,结果表明,相称的AS儿童相对于其他AS儿童表现出显着优越的关系适应性,而Normative,关注和寻求外在的AS儿童则表现出较差的关系逆境。寻求注意的AS儿童的单独定向行为的发生率特别高,并且被同龄人最忽略。