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Emotional School Engagement and Global Self-Esteem in Adolescents: Genetic Susceptibility to Peer Acceptance and Rejection
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly ( IF 1.000 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.13110/merrpalmquar1982.65.2.0158
Danneel , Colpin , Goossens , Engels , Leeuwen , Noortgate , Verschueren

Abstract:In this study, the effects of peer acceptance and rejection on global self-esteem and emotional school engagement in adolescents were investigated. Moreover, in line with the differential susceptibility hypothesis, we examined the potential moderating effect of a polymorphism in the serotonin receptor gene (i.e., 5-HTTLPR). The sample consisted of 1,111 Flemish adolescents (49% girls; Mage = 13.79, SD = 0.94) in Grades 7–9. Self-report questionnaires, peer nominations, and saliva sampling were used to collect data. Peer rejection was associated with lower global self-esteem and less emotional school engagement. Contrary to our hypotheses, peer acceptance was not associated with emotional school engagement or global self-esteem. In addition, no significant moderating effects were found. These results indicate that only the negative experience of peer rejection plays a role in adolescents' self-esteem and emotional school engagement. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.



摘要:本研究调查了同伴接受和拒绝对青少年整体自尊和情绪学校参与的影响。此外,根据差异敏感性假设,我们检查了5-羟色胺受体基因(即5-HTTLPR)多态性的潜在调节作用。样本包括7至9年级的1,111名佛兰德青少年(49%的女孩;法师= 13.79,SD = 0.94)。使用自我报告调查表,同伴提名和唾液采样来收集数据。同伴拒绝与较低的全球自尊心和较少的学校参与感相关。与我们的假设相反,同伴接纳与情感上的学校参与或全球自尊无关。此外,未发现明显的调节作用。这些结果表明,只有同伴排斥的负面经历才会在青少年的自尊和情感学校参与中发挥作用。讨论了对未来研究的启示和建议。