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Navigating ‘Home Schooling’ during COVID-19: Australian public response on Twitter
Media International Australia ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1177/1329878x20956409
Lee-Ann Ewing 1 , Huy Quan Vu 2

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc worldwide. Schools have escaped neither the pandemic nor its consequences. Indeed, by April 2020, schools had been suspended in 189 countries, affecting 89% of learners globally. While the Australian government has implemented variously effective health and economic policies in response to COVID-19, their inability to agree with states on education policy during the pandemic caused considerable confusion and anxiety. Accordingly, this study analyses 3 weeks of Tweets during April, leading up to the beginning of term 2, during the height of Government policy incongruity. Findings confirm a wide and rapidly changing range of public responses on Twitter. Nine themes were identified in the quantitative analysis, and six of these (positive, negative, humorous, appreciation for teachers, comments aimed at Government/politicians and definitions) are expanded upon qualitatively. Over the course of 3 weeks, the public began to lose its sense of humour and negative tweets almost doubled.


在 COVID-19 期间导航“在家上学”:澳大利亚公众在 Twitter 上的回应

COVID-19 在全球范围内造成了严重破坏。学校既没有逃脱大流行,也没有逃脱其后果。事实上,到 2020 年 4 月,已有 189 个国家/地区的学校停课,影响了全球 89% 的学习者。尽管澳大利亚政府针对 COVID-19 实施了各种有效的健康和经济政策,但在大流行期间无法与各州就教育政策达成一致,这引起了相当大的混乱和焦虑。因此,本研究分析了 4 月的 3 周推文,直到第二学期开始,在政府政策不协调的高峰期。调查结果证实了 Twitter 上广泛且迅速变化的公众反应。在定量分析中确定了九个主题,其中六个主题(正面、负面、幽默、对教师的欣赏、针对政府/政治家和定义的评论)在质量上得到了扩展。在 3 周的时间里,公众开始失去幽默感,负面推文几乎翻了一番。