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Brandishing Guns: Performing Race and Belonging in the American West
Journal of Visual Culture ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1470412918801293
Lindsay Livingston

This article examines the racial dynamics and performative nature of US gun culture by analyzing the 2014 standoff between Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. The standoff followed discernible scripts of white masculine privilege and drew on scenarios of conquest in the US American West, as Bundy’s supporters gathered at his ranch and brandished their weapons in open defiance of the federal government. The act of brandishing their guns was a ‘performance of belonging’, a public, theatrical gesture that marks the bearer as a full participant in civic life and all its attendant rights and privileges. This belonging, however, is predicated on histories of white supremacist laws and settler colonialist violence. By reading gun culture in the United States through the lens of performance, this article traces the profound discrepancies between legal and practical gun rights and illuminates one of the most intractable debates at the center of US American life.



本文通过分析 2014 年克利文邦迪和土地管理局之间的对峙,研究了美国枪支文化的种族动态和表演性质。这场对峙遵循了明显的白人男性特权脚本,并借鉴了美国西部的征服场景,邦迪的支持者聚集在他的牧场,挥舞着武器公然蔑视联邦政府。挥舞枪支的行为是一种“归属感的表现”,一种公共的、戏剧性的姿态,标志着持枪者完全参与了公民生活及其所有随之而来的权利和特权。然而,这种归属感是基于白人至上主义法律和定居者殖民主义暴力的历史。通过表演的镜头解读美国的枪支文化,