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Limited Gains, Enduring Violations
Journal of South Asian Development ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0973174117735213
Paul Chaney 1

Against the backdrop of continuing rights violations in Bangladesh, this article analyses issue-salience and framing in the policy discourse of civil society organizations (CSOs) and state elites on the implementation of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Data from the reports submitted to the second-cycle United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the official monitoring mechanism associated with UN rights treaties, show how state discourse is framed in instrumental, administrative terms. In contrast, civil society discourse is critically framed and highlights poor implementation and enforcement of the CRC, poverty and corruption. This helps to explain on-going rights violations in an increasingly hostile political context wherein government is unresponsive to civil society claims, mobilization is suppressed and CSOs are forced to focus on service delivery and advocacy functions.



在孟加拉国持续侵犯人权的背景下,本文分析了民间社会组织 (CSO) 和国家精英在执行联合国儿童权利公约 (CRC) 的政策论述中的突出问题和框架。提交给第二轮联合国普遍定期审议 (UPR) 的报告中的数据是与联合国权利条约相关的官方监督机制,显示了国家话语是如何以工具性的、行政性的方式构建的。相比之下,民间社会的话语被批判地构建起来,并强调了《儿童权利公约》的执行和执行不力、贫困和腐败。这有助于解释在日益敌对的政治背景下持续的侵犯人权行为,其中政府对民间社会的主张无动于衷,