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Values, Goals, and Motivations Associated with Psychopathy
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2017-02-01 , DOI: 10.1521/jscp.2017.36.2.108
Andrea L. Glenn , Leah M. Efferson , Ravi Iyer , Jesse Graham

In attempting to understand the increased rates of immoral behavior associated with psychopathic personality, researchers have largely focused on identifying deficits such as reduced concerns for the well-being of others. However, we have little understanding of what does motivate individuals with psychopathic traits. What do these individuals value in life, and what goals do they aspire to? Within a large online sample (N = 3,521), we examined relationships between psychopathic traits and several measures of values and goals. Overall, psychopathy was related to both pleasure-seeking and a desire for relative social positioning. Individuals scoring higher in psychopathy placed more value on seeking power (but not necessarily personal achievement), financial success, and acquiring material possessions. They demonstrated a preference for group-based dominance (social dominance orientation) and were more concerned about their relative position in society than their absolute level of income, education, or vac...



为了试图了解与精神病性人格相关的不道德行为的发生率,研究人员主要致力于发现缺陷,例如减少对他人福祉的担忧。但是,我们对什么能激发具有精神病特征的人知之甚少。这些人在生活中看重什么,他们追求什么目标?在一个大型的在线样本(N = 3,521)中,我们检查了精神病性状与价值观和目标的几种度量之间的关系。总体而言,精神病与享乐和相对社会定位的渴望有关。在心理疾病中得分较高的个人将更多的精力放在寻求权力(但不一定是个人成就),财务上的成功和获得物质财产上。