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Constructing a kingdom: Architectural strategies and the nature of leadership at Postclassic Xaltocan, Mexico
Journal of Social Archaeology ( IF 1.257 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-23 , DOI: 10.1177/1469605318795519
Kirby Farah 1

This paper explores the diverse motivations, limitations, and political strategies that informed the architectural decisions made by the Postclassic (ad 900–1521) leaders of Xaltocan, Mexico. In the early 13th century—a period of political florescence at Xaltocan—local leaders embarked on an ambitious building program that included the construction of a monumental adobe platform which served as a base to the residential structures of Xaltocan’s leaders. This paper investigates the significance of adobe bricks as a construction medium and outlines the various economic, social, and political factors that influenced the architectural decisions of Xaltocan’s leaders. Analysis of these factors reveals the diverse strategies employed by Xaltocan’s leaders to establish their legitimacy among their regional peers, assert their political dominance over their constituents, and foster a sense of unity within their home community.


