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Distributive Justice at War: Displacement and Its Afterlives in the Central African Republic
Journal of Refugee Studies ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-04 , DOI: 10.1093/jrs/fez012
Louisa Lombard 1 , Enrica Picco 2

One of the defining features of the crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR) since 2013 has been massive displacement. Currently, about a quarter of the country’s population is displaced. People who have been forcibly displaced, whether internally or abroad, and people who stayed behind this time (but frequently have their own memories of displacement) provide particular kinds of information about war and its not particularly peaceful aftermath. In this article, based on interviews with a broad range of people affected by displacement, we show that Central African views about the prospects for peace are deeply affected by how displacement has shaped tensions over the political senses of distribution (who has a right to what, and on what basis). Who should pay for war, in senses both material and otherwise, and who should be compensated? However, distribution and belonging are not the issues prioritized in the aftermath of war, when elite deals, punitive justice and technocratic recovery plans crowd out treatment of the material justice and belonging questions that dominate neighbourhoods. The political dimensions of material justice in the aftermath of war require more thorough treatment, as listening to people who have experienced displacement makes abundantly clear.



自 2013 年以来,中非共和国 (CAR) 危机的显着特征之一是大规模流离失所。目前,该国大约四分之一的人口流离失所。被迫流离失所的人,无论是在国内还是国外,以及这段时间留下来的人(但经常有自己的流离失所记忆)提供了关于战争及其并非特别和平的后果的特定类型的信息。在这篇文章中,基于对受流离失所影响的广泛人群的采访,我们表明,中非对和平前景的看法深受流离失所如何塑造政治分配意识紧张局势的影响(谁有权获得什么? ,以及基于什么)。谁应该为战争买单,在物质和其他意义上,谁应该得到补偿?然而,分配和归属不是战后优先考虑的问题,当时精英交易、惩罚性正义和技术官僚的恢复计划排挤了对主导社区的物质正义和归属问题的处理。战后物质正义的政治层面需要更彻底的处理,因为倾听经历过流离失所的人的声音非常清楚。