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Burning the Archive, Building the State? Politics, Paper, and US Power in Postwar Mexico
Journal of Contemporary History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1177/0022009419881189
Thomas Rath 1

This article explores how the Mexican state gathered, archived and destroyed information. It focuses on the US–Mexico campaign against foot-and-mouth disease between 1947 and 1952, whose paper archive Mexican officials burned near the successful conclusion of the campaign. This article argues that several factors shaped the context for this documentary bonfire and made the 1940s a key point of inflection in Mexico’s history of official information-gathering: the dominant party’s system of elite power-sharing, the growth of a reading public and the regime’s drift rightward. At the same time, the nature of the foot-and-mouth disease campaign itself ensured that, despite its possible uses, the archive was particularly sensitive, providing evidence of the embarrassing gaps that began to yawn between the state’s language of revolutionary nationalism and its political practise. Indeed, the bonfire represented the culmination of practises Mexican officials had already developed throughout the campaign to reconcile the demands of legibility and deniability, hemispheric integration and nationalism, political stability and state capacity. More broadly, the case illustrates the uneven effects of US assistance on the development of state capacity, the authoritarian but institutionally weak character of the early PRIísta state, and the role of archives in maintaining a coherent image of state sovereignty.



本文探讨了墨西哥政府如何收集、存档和销毁信息。它侧重于 1947 年至 1952 年间美国-墨西哥抗击口蹄疫的运动,墨西哥官员在运动接近成功结束时焚毁了该运动的纸质档案。本文认为,有几个因素塑造了这部纪录片的背景,并使 1940 年代成为墨西哥官方信息收集历史的一个关键转折点:统治党的精英权力分享制度、阅读大众的增长以及政权的向右漂移。同时,口蹄疫运动本身的性质确保,尽管可能有用途,但档案特别敏感,提供证据证明国家的革命民族主义语言与其政治实践之间开始出现令人尴尬的鸿沟。事实上,篝火代表了墨西哥官员在整个竞选活动中已经发展起来的做法的高潮,这些做法旨在调和易读性和否认性、半球一体化和民族主义、政治稳定和国家能力的要求。更广泛地说,这个案例说明了美国援助对国家能力发展的不均衡影响、早期 PRIísta 国家的专制但体制上的薄弱特征,以及档案在维护国家主权的连贯形象方面的作用。篝火代表了墨西哥官员在整个竞选活动中已经发展起来的做法的高潮,这些做法旨在调和易读性和否认性、半球一体化和民族主义、政治稳定和国家能力的要求。更广泛地说,这个案例说明了美国援助对国家能力发展的不均衡影响、早期 PRIísta 国家的专制但体制上的薄弱特征,以及档案在维护国家主权的连贯形象方面的作用。篝火代表了墨西哥官员在整个竞选活动中已经发展起来的做法的高潮,这些做法旨在调和易读性和否认性、半球一体化和民族主义、政治稳定和国家能力的要求。更广泛地说,这个案例说明了美国援助对国家能力发展的不均衡影响、早期 PRIísta 国家的专制但体制上的薄弱特征,以及档案在维护国家主权的连贯形象方面的作用。