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Digital Migrating and Storyworlding with Women We Love: A Feminist Ethnography
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-23 , DOI: 10.1177/0891241620937758
Barbara Dennis 1 , Lucinda Carspecken 1 , Pengfei Zhao 2 , Samantha Silberstein 1 , Pooja Saxena 1 , Suparna Bose 1 , Dajanae Palmer 1 , Sylvia Washington 1 , Alycia Elfreich 1

This contemporary feminist ethnography draws on in-depth ethnographically-anchored lifestory interviews with loved ones and uses digital media (such as ArcGIS) to expand the ethnographic collection around the globe. Members of the FRC conceived of the WomenWeLove Project as an opportunity for the lesser-told stories of six ordinary women from different places to take center stage. By digitizing the stories, researchers and participants are able to join in the use of public digitalizations (like the #MeToo movement) to connect through empowering ethnographic efforts. Their stories are contextualized within and across one another as a complex study of women’s lives in geopolitical heterosexism and patriarchy. The name of the project, WomenWeLove, both honors those we are writing about and acknowledges love as methodologically salient. It is unusual to conduct studies of any kind within the context of such close researcher/participant relationships. At the intersection of ethnography and love, emerges the methodological innovation of migratory storyworlding. The paper contributes to our contemporary ethnographic theories and practices by committing to love as a methodologically interesting orientation toward one’s research, examining the migratory and digitized possibilities for ethnography, and by introducing a migratory storyworlding methodology.


数字迁移和故事世界与我们爱的女人: 女权主义民族志

这种当代女权主义民族志利用对亲人的深入民族志锚定的生活故事采访,并使用数字媒体(如 ArcGIS)来扩展全球的民族志收藏。FRC 的成员将 WomenWeLove 项目视为一个机会,让来自不同地方的六名普通女性鲜为人知的故事登上舞台中央。通过将故事数字化,研究人员和参与者能够加入公共数字化的使用(如#MeToo 运动),通过增强人种学努力来建立联系。他们的故事相互关联,作为对地缘政治异性恋和父权制中女性生活的复杂研究。该项目的名称 WomenWeLove 既向我们所写的人致敬,又承认爱在方法论上是突出的。在这种密切的研究人员/参与者关系的背景下进行任何类型的研究都是不寻常的。在民族志和爱情的交汇处,出现了迁徙故事世界的方法论创新。该论文致力于将爱作为一种方法论上有趣的研究方向,检查人种学的迁移和数字化可能性,并引入一种迁移性的故事世界方法,从而为我们当代的民族志理论和实践做出贡献。