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Exploring the Implications of Culturally Relevant Teaching: Toward a Pedagogy of Liberation
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-25 , DOI: 10.1177/0891241619880334
Dari Green 1

Schools in America may provide opportunities for upward mobility while also perpetuating social inequality. The inequities found in the US public school system probably result in such a highly stratified society. Conditions found in many schools and classrooms are often a microcosm of the same conditions and factors present in the broader American society. Scholars and education reform activists often use the term school-to-prison pipeline to describe what they view as a widespread pattern in the United States of pushing students, especially those who are already at a disadvantage, out of school, and into the criminal justice system. This research explored whether mentorship in the lives of these very students can affect the trajectory that these students take in life by moving toward a pedagogy of liberation that challenges the inequities and contradictions in the institution of education. Building from a model similar to CDF Freedom Schools, but targeting academic enrichment, Farrah and her colleague Hope developed the Sankofa Project at Yin Elementary School (YES). Embracing both the social-emotional and pedagogical aspects of CDF Freedom Schools, the Sankofa Project moved from a mission that sought to instill a love for reading to actually teaching children to read. This aspect was pivotally important to Farrah and Hope as they sought to dismantle the “cradle to prison pipeline,” the concept of funneling masses of people into marginalized lives, imprisonment, and often premature death. Farrah believed that all her predecessors had done “was spot on, but academic enrichment was a key to steering children away from the pipeline.” With the rebirth of a caste-like system in America, black and brown bodies are disproportionately locked behind bars, relegated permanent second-class status if declared a felon and an increasingly common trend toward annihilation at the hands of those of who are designated to serve and protect them.



美国的学校可能会提供向上流动的机会,同时也会使社会不平等长期存在。在美国公立学校系统中发现的不公平现象可能导致了如此高度分层的社会。在许多学校和教室中发现的条件通常是更广泛的美国社会中存在的相同条件和因素的缩影。学者和教育改革活动家经常使用“从学校到监狱的管道”这个词来描述他们认为在美国普遍存在的推动学生的模式,尤其是那些已经处于不利地位的学生,辍学并进入刑事司法系统。本研究探讨了在这些学生的生活中接受指导是否可以通过转向挑战教育机构中的不平等和矛盾的解放教学法来影响这些学生的生活轨迹。Farrah 和她的同事 Hope 以类似于 CDF 自由学校的模型为基础,但以学术丰富为目标,在 Yin 小学 (YES) 开发了 Sankofa 项目。拥抱 CDF 自由学校的社会情感和教学方面,Sankofa 项目从旨在灌输对阅读的热爱的使命转变为实际教孩子们阅读。这方面对 Farrah 和 Hope 来说至关重要,因为他们试图拆除“从摇篮到监狱的管道”,即将大量人输送到边缘化生活、监禁、并且经常过早死亡。Farrah 相信她的所有前任所做的“都是正确的,但学术丰富是引导孩子远离管道的关键。” 随着美国种姓制度的重生,黑人和棕色人种的身体被不成比例地关在监狱里,如果被宣布为重罪犯,则将被降为永久的二等身份,并且越来越普遍的趋势是被指定服役的人消灭并保护他们。