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The aestheticization of restraint: The popular appeal of de-cluttering after the global financial crisis
Journal of Consumer Culture ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-16 , DOI: 10.1177/1469540519872071
Susie Khamis 1

The concept of consumer restraint has had a popular makeover. This is seen in the worldwide popularity of books, video tutorials and online discussion groups devoted to de-cluttering, and specifically the stunning success of professional organizer Marie Kondo and her best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. De-cluttering sits on a broad continuum of alternative consumption that champions the benefits of consumer restraint, on multiple fronts: economic, environmental, psychological, and so on. Through Kondo, this is framed in positive, uplifting ways. This is distinct from the more critical, nuanced, or anti-consumerist rhetoric associated with more subversive advocates of alternative consumption, such as voluntary simplifiers or Occupy Wall Street. That said, just as the Occupy movement channeled growing frustration with how the reigning tenets of capitalist culture had shackled and misled the “99%,” de-cluttering finds cultural traction in the midst and wake of the Global Financial Crisis. Unlike Occupy though, Kondo’s appeal rests less on the logic and language of political economy than the more emotive vernacular of pop psychology. In this way, de-cluttering positions restraint as reflective of a highly developed and sophisticated sensibility, whereby individuals “own” their consumption choices and in turn craft carefully curated spaces. Therein lies the aestheticization of restraint: freed of any negative connotations (dour, miserly or miserable), the de-cluttered subject is autonomous, self-aware, and chic. Crucially, it also pivots on the slippery assumptions of the (new) neo liberal economy, which requires individuals to be agile, creative, and empowered.



消费者约束的概念已经有了流行的改头换面。这可以从致力于整理杂乱的书籍、视频教程和在线讨论组的全球流行中看出,尤其是专业组织者近藤玛丽 (Marie Kondo) 及其畅销书《改变生活的整理魔法》(The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying) 的惊人成功。去杂乱位于广泛的替代消费连续统一体上,在多个方面支持消费者克制的好处:经济、环境、心理等。通过近藤,这是以积极、令人振奋的方式构建的。这不同于与更具颠覆性的替代消费倡导者(例如自愿简化或占领华尔街)相关的更具批判性、细微差别或反消费主义的言论。那说,正如占领运动对资本主义文化的统治信条如何束缚和误导“99%”表达了越来越多的挫败感,在全球金融危机中和之后,“清理杂乱”找到了文化牵引力。然而,与占领不同的是,近藤的吸引力与其说是政治经济学的逻辑和语言,不如说是流行心理学中更情绪化的白话。通过这种方式,整理位置限制反映了高度发达和复杂的敏感性,个人“拥有”他们的消费选择,进而精心策划空间。这就是克制的审美化:摆脱了任何负面含义(阴郁、悲惨或悲惨),整洁的主题是自主的、自我意识的和别致的。至关重要的是,它还以(新)新自由主义经济的滑溜假设为中心,