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Bridging Segregation Via Media Exposure? Ingroup Identification, Outgroup Distance, and Low Direct Contact Reduce Outgroup Appearance in Media Repertoires
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-02 , DOI: 10.1111/jcom.12338
David Schieferdecker 1 , Hartmut Wessler 1

Researchers have started to demonstrate that media exposure to outgroups can reduce prejudice. However, in contexts of segregation a bias to select ingroup-rich media might hinder exposure and prevent those positive effects. We conducted a survey study (n = 1,095) in South Africa, a context with a notorious history of racial separation and persisting informal segregation. In accordance with the social identity gratification approach and social cognitive theory, respondents showed group-related selection biases. Respondents who identified more strongly with their ingroup, who perceived more distance towards outgroups, and who had less direct contact showed stronger biases. The findings remind us that those who would potentially benefit the most from outgroup exposure might also be those who are least likely to be exposed.



研究人员已经开始证明媒体接触外群体可以减少偏见。然而,在种族隔离的背景下,偏向选择群内丰富的媒体可能会阻碍曝光并阻止这些积极影响。我们在南非进行了一项调查研究 (n = 1,095),该地区有着臭名昭著的种族隔离历史和长期的非正式隔离。根据社会认同满足方法和社会认知理论,受访者表现出与群体相关的选择偏差。与内群体认同感更强、与外群体之间的距离更远、直接接触较少的受访者表现出更强的偏见。研究结果提醒我们,那些可能从外群体接触中受益最多的人也可能是那些最不可能接触的人。