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Faces of Blackness: The Creation of the New Negro and Négritude Movements in Harlem and Paris
Journal of Black Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-12 , DOI: 10.1177/0021934720948737
Gamby Diagne Camara 1

This article explores the cultural and ideological link between the New Negro Movement of Harlem and the Négritude Movement of Paris from 1920s to the 1940s. It examines how the works of African American, Caribbean, and African authors such as Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, Aimé Césaire, and Léopold Sedar Senghor amongst others are, despite their different backgrounds, united by the common themes of racialized oppression, cultural alienation, and pride in their African heritage. The article also addresses social, cultural and theoretical shortcomings of the New Negro and Négritude movements, which have resulted in widespread criticism of theories of Black culture and identity. Lastly, it explains how the values promoted by New Negro and Négritude literarure remain useful in catalyzing social change today.



本文探讨了1920年代至1940年代的哈莱姆新黑人运动与巴黎黑人运动之间的文化和意识形态联系。它研究了非裔美国人,加勒比海地区和兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes),克劳德·麦凯(Claude McKay),艾米·塞塞尔(AiméCésaire)和莱奥波德·塞达尔·桑戈尔(LéopoldSedar Senghor)等非洲作家的作品,尽管背景不同,但如何将种族压迫,文化异化,并为他们的非洲传统感到自豪。本文还解决了新黑人和黑人运动的社会,文化和理论缺陷,这些缺陷导致对黑人文化和认同理论的广泛批评。最后,它解释了新黑人和黑人文学所倡导的价值观如何在当今促进社会变革中仍然有用。