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Burnout: Moving Beyond the Status Quo.
International Journal of Stress Management ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1037/str0000088
Renzo Bianchi , Irvin Sam Schonfeld , Eric Laurent

Burnout has been defined as a job-induced syndrome combining emotional exhaustion, depersonalization/cynicism, and a sense of reduced personal accomplishment. In this article, we expand on past analyses of burnout by reviewing key, yet overlooked, problems affecting the construct. We concomitantly examine the implications of these problems for the overall validity of burnout research. Our work shows that burnout research is undermined by 4 main problems. First, what constitutes a case of burnout is unclear. Second, the basic conceptualization and operationalization of burnout are ill aligned. Third, burnout is unlikely to be the specifically job-induced syndrome it has been posited to be. Fourth, the discriminant validity of the burnout construct is unsatisfactory. These fundamental problems, disregarded for decades, render burnout research inconclusive. This state of affairs (a) bears on researchers’ and practitioners’ ability to monitor and protect workers’ health and (b) prevents public health policymakers from producing authoritative recommendations. The burnout construct thus appears to not well serve the goal of promoting occupational health. The depression construct may offer occupational health specialists a way out of the “burnout impasse.” Depression is diagnosable. Like burnout, depression can be studied dimensionally (i.e., as a process) and examined from both an individual and a social standpoint. Methods for investigating the etiological link between depressive symptoms and disorders and job stress are available.



职业倦怠被定义为一种由工作引起的综合症,结合了情绪耗竭、人格解体/愤世嫉俗和个人成就感降低。在本文中,我们通过回顾影响构建的关键但被忽视的问题来扩展过去对倦怠的分析。我们同时检查了这些问题对倦怠研究的整体有效性的影响。我们的工作表明,倦怠研究受到 4 个主要问题的影响。首先,什么构成倦怠的情况尚不清楚。其次,倦怠的基本概念化和操作化不一致。第三,职业倦怠不太可能是人们假设的那种由工作引起的综合症。第四,倦怠结构的判别效度不令人满意。这些基本问题,几十年来被忽视,使倦怠研究没有定论。这种状况 (a) 影响研究人员和从业人员监测和保护工人健康的能力,以及 (b) 阻止公共卫生政策制定者提出权威建议。因此,倦怠结构似乎不能很好地实现促进职业健康的目标。抑郁结构可能为职业健康专家提供一条摆脱“倦怠僵局”的方法。抑郁症是可以诊断的。与倦怠一样,抑郁症可以从维度(即作为一个过程)进行研究,并从个人和社会的角度进行检查。调查抑郁症状和障碍与工作压力之间的病因联系的方法是可用的。这种情况 (a) 影响研究人员和从业人员监测和保护工人健康的能力,以及 (b) 阻止公共卫生政策制定者提出权威建议。因此,倦怠结构似乎不能很好地实现促进职业健康的目标。抑郁结构可能为职业健康专家提供一条摆脱“倦怠僵局”的方法。抑郁症是可以诊断的。与倦怠一样,抑郁症可以从维度(即作为一个过程)进行研究,并从个人和社会的角度进行检查。调查抑郁症状和障碍与工作压力之间的病因联系的方法是可用的。这种情况 (a) 影响研究人员和从业人员监测和保护工人健康的能力,以及 (b) 阻止公共卫生政策制定者提出权威建议。因此,倦怠结构似乎不能很好地实现促进职业健康的目标。抑郁结构可能为职业健康专家提供一条摆脱“倦怠僵局”的方法。抑郁症是可以诊断的。与倦怠一样,抑郁症可以从维度(即作为一个过程)进行研究,并从个人和社会的角度进行检查。调查抑郁症状和障碍与工作压力之间的病因联系的方法是可用的。抑郁结构可能为职业健康专家提供一条摆脱“倦怠僵局”的方法。抑郁症是可以诊断的。与倦怠一样,抑郁症可以从维度(即作为一个过程)进行研究,并从个人和社会的角度进行检查。调查抑郁症状和障碍与工作压力之间的病因联系的方法是可用的。抑郁结构可能为职业健康专家提供一条摆脱“倦怠僵局”的方法。抑郁症是可以诊断的。与倦怠一样,抑郁症可以从维度(即作为一个过程)进行研究,并从个人和社会的角度进行检查。调查抑郁症状和障碍与工作压力之间的病因联系的方法是可用的。