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The Effect of a Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) Program on Stigma and Barriers to Help-Seeking in the Police.
International Journal of Stress Management ( IF 4.368 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1037/str0000071
Louise Watson , Leanne Andrews

Police personnel exposed to potentially traumatic events as part of their operational duty may develop psychological problems. A number of UK Police Forces have made use of Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) in response. TRiM is a peer-support process that aims to support employees following trauma, redu


创伤风险管理 (TRiM) 计划对警察寻求帮助的耻辱和障碍的影响。

作为其业务职责的一部分,暴露于潜在创伤事件的警务人员可能会出现心理问题。许多英国警察部队已使用创伤风险管理 (TRiM) 作为应对措施。TRiM 是一个同伴支持过程,旨在支持创伤后的员工,减少