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Dream content and procedural learning in Vipassana meditators and controls.
Dreaming ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1037/drm0000081
Elizaveta Solomonova , Simon Dubé , Arnaud Samson-Richer , Cloé Blanchette-Carrière , Tyna Paquette , Tore Nielsen

Vipassana meditation is characterized by observing bodily sensations, developing emotional and attentional stability, and promoting prosocial qualities. Whether these characteristics are also reflected in meditators’ dream content is not currently known. Evidence relating dream content with sleep-dependent learning is mixed: Some studies suggest that dreaming of a task is beneficial for improvement, whereas others find no such effect. This study aimed at investigating whether meditators have qualitatively different dreams than do controls, whether meditators incorporate a procedural learning task more often than do controls, and whether dreaming about the task is related to better postsleep performance on the task. Twenty meditators and 20 controls slept for a daytime nap in the laboratory. Before sleeping and upon awakening, they completed a procedural learning task. Dream reports were collected at sleep onset and upon awakening (REM or N2 sleep). Dreams were then scored for qualities associated with meditation practice and for incorporations of the procedural task and the laboratory. Meditators had longer dreams, slightly more references to the body, and friendlier and more compassionate interactions with dream characters. Dreams of meditation practitioners were not more lucid than those of controls. Meditators did not incorporate the learning task or laboratory into dream content more often than did controls, and no relationship was found between dream content and performance on the procedural task. In control participants, in contrast, incorporating the task or laboratory in REM/N2 dreams was associated with improvement on the task, but incorporations at sleep onset were associated with slightly worse task performance.



内观冥想的特点是观察身体感觉,培养情绪和注意力的稳定性,并促进亲社会品质。这些特征是否也反映在禅修者的梦境内容中,目前尚不得而知。将梦境内容与依赖睡眠的学习联系起来的证据是混合的:一些研究表明,做梦有利于改善,而另一些研究则没有这种效果。本研究旨在调查冥想者的梦是否与对照组有本质的不同,冥想者是否比对照组更频繁地纳入程序性学习任务,以及做梦是否与更好的睡后任务表现有关。20 名冥想者和 20 名对照者在实验室里睡了一天小睡。睡前和醒来时,他们完成了一个程序性学习任务。在入睡时和醒来时(REM 或 N2 睡眠)收集梦境报告。然后根据与冥想练习相关的质量以及程序任务和实验室的结合对梦进行评分。冥想者的梦更长,对身体的提及略多,与梦中人物的互动更友好、更富有同情心。冥想练习者的梦并不比对照者的梦更清晰。冥想者并没有比对照组更频繁地将学习任务或实验室纳入梦境内容中,并且没有发现梦境内容与程序性任务的表现之间存在关系。相反,在控制参与者中,将任务或实验室纳入 REM/N2 梦境与任务的改进有关,