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When was your earliest dream? Association of very early dream recall with frequent current nightmares supports a stress-acceleration explanation of nightmares.
Dreaming ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1037/drm0000051
Tore Nielsen

The stress-acceleration hypothesis of nightmares (Nielsen, 2017) stipulates that individuals with frequent nightmares have better access to memories—including dreams—originating in the infantile amnesia period than do individuals without nightmares. This was tested on an available sample of 17,014 participants who estimated their current nightmare frequency and dated their earliest remembered dreams. One-way analyses of variance with 10 levels of Dream-Age (1–10 years) as independent variable and log nightmare recall as the dependent measure were computed for all early dreams combined and, separately, for those who remembered only positive or negative early dreams. An earliest dream from the infantile amnesia period was recalled by 4.63% of participants. A main effect for Dream-Age (p < .0000001) confirmed that these participants had more current nightmares. The effect was also seen for both emotionally positive and negative early dreams, suggesting a general change in early memory access. Four themes accounted for most (40.2%) of the earliest dreams recalled—being chased (14.0%), falling (11.4%), flying (9.4%), and encountering an evil force (5.3%)—and were interpretable as consistent with Freud’s claim that such dreams arise from early infantile experiences. Results support the stress-acceleration hypothesis of nightmares, which stipulates that a foreshortening of the infantile amnesia period contributes to nightmares by increasing access to intense primordial feelings and memory fragments that are normally forgotten because of infantile amnesia processes.



噩梦的压力加速假说 (Nielsen, 2017) 规定,经常做噩梦的人比没有做噩梦的人更容易获得源自婴儿健忘症时期的记忆(包括梦)。这是对 17,014 名参与者的可用样本进行了测试,这些参与者估计了他们当前的噩梦频率并确定了他们最早记住的梦境。以 10 个梦想年龄(1-10 岁)水平作为自变量,对数噩梦回忆作为依赖度量的单向方差分析是针对所有早期梦境的组合计算的,另外,对于那些早期只记得正面或负面的梦境梦。4.63% 的参与者回忆起婴儿健忘症时期最早的梦。Dream-Age 的主效应 (p < . 0000001) 证实这些参与者目前有更多的噩梦。在情绪积极和消极的早期梦中也看到了这种影响,表明早期记忆访问发生了普遍变化。四个主题占最早回忆的梦境中的大部分(40.2%)——被追逐(14.0%)、坠落(11.4%)、飞行(9.4%)和遭遇邪恶力量(5.3%)——并且可以解释为与弗洛伊德声称这样的梦来自婴儿早期的经历。结果支持噩梦的压力加速假说,该假说规定婴儿健忘期的缩短通过增加对通常因婴儿健忘症过程而被遗忘的强烈原始感觉和记忆碎片的访问而导致噩梦。在情绪积极和消极的早期梦中也看到了这种影响,表明早期记忆访问发生了普遍变化。四个主题占最早回忆的梦境中的大部分(40.2%)——被追逐(14.0%)、坠落(11.4%)、飞行(9.4%)和遭遇邪恶力量(5.3%)——并且可以解释为与弗洛伊德声称这样的梦来自婴儿早期的经历。结果支持噩梦的压力加速假说,该假说规定婴儿健忘期的缩短通过增加对通常因婴儿健忘症过程而被遗忘的强烈原始感觉和记忆碎片的访问而导致噩梦。在情绪积极和消极的早期梦中也看到了这种影响,表明早期记忆访问发生了普遍变化。四个主题占最早回忆的梦境中的大部分(40.2%)——被追逐(14.0%)、坠落(11.4%)、飞行(9.4%)和遭遇邪恶力量(5.3%)——并且可以解释为与弗洛伊德声称这样的梦来自婴儿早期的经历。结果支持噩梦的压力加速假说,该假说规定婴儿健忘期的缩短通过增加对通常因婴儿健忘症过程而被遗忘的强烈原始感觉和记忆碎片的访问而导致噩梦。2%) 最早的梦被回忆起来——被追逐 (14.0%)、坠落 (11.4%)、飞行 (9.4%) 和遭遇邪恶力量 (5.3%)——并且可以解释为与弗洛伊德关于此类梦出现的说法一致来自婴儿早期的经历。结果支持噩梦的压力加速假说,该假说规定婴儿健忘期的缩短通过增加对通常因婴儿健忘症过程而被遗忘的强烈原始感觉和记忆碎片的访问而导致噩梦。2%) 最早的梦被回忆起来——被追逐 (14.0%)、坠落 (11.4%)、飞行 (9.4%) 和遭遇邪恶力量 (5.3%)——并且可以解释为与弗洛伊德关于此类梦出现的说法一致来自婴儿早期的经历。结果支持噩梦的压力加速假说,该假说规定婴儿健忘期的缩短通过增加对通常因婴儿健忘症过程而被遗忘的强烈原始感觉和记忆碎片的访问而导致噩梦。