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Anxiety sensitivity and posttraumatic stress symptoms in sexual assault survivors
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1521/bumc.2020.84.3.197
Sarah C Jessup 1, 2 , Shannon M Blakey 3 , Jonathan S Abramowitz 4

Anxiety sensitivity (AS), the fear of anxiety-related physiological sensations, is a predictor of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) following a traumatic event, yet there is limited research on the relationship between AS and PTSS among sexual assault survivors. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that AS would emerge as a statistical predictor of PTSS dimensions among community members and undergraduate students endorsing lifetime exposure to sexual trauma. Adults endorsing a history of sexual assault (N = 52) completed an online battery, including self-report measures of AS, general distress, dysfunctional trauma-related beliefs (i.e., posttraumatic cognitions), and PTSS. Although AS was associated with PTSS dimensions at the bivariate level (rs ranged .68-82), AS did not emerge as a significant unique predictor of PTSS dimensions in linear regression analyses after controlling for general distress and posttraumatic cognitions. In fact, general distress was the only significant statistical predictor of PTSS total and dimension scores (ps < 01). Study implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed.



焦虑相关的生理感觉是对焦虑敏感的恐惧,它是创伤事件后创伤后应激症状(PTSS)的预测指标,但对于性侵犯幸存者中AS和PTSS之间关系的研究有限。本研究旨在检验以下假设:AS将在支持终身遭受性创伤的社区成员和大学生中成为PTSS维度的统计预测指标。认可有性侵犯史的成年人(N = 52)完成了一次在线电池调查,包括自我报告AS,一般困扰,与创伤有关的功能障碍(即创伤后认知)和PTSS的自我报告。尽管AS与PTSS维度在双变量水平上相关(相关性介于0.68-82之间),在控制了一般困扰和创伤后认知之后,在线性回归分析中,AS并没有成为PTSS维度的重要独特预测指标。实际上,一般困扰是PTSS总分和维度得分的唯一重要统计预测指标(ps <01)。讨论了研究的意义,局限性和未来的方向。