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Exploring the Conceptualization of Body Image for Asian American Women.
Asian American Journal of Psychology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1037/aap0000077
Stephanie N. Wong , Brian TaeHyuk Keum , Daniel Caffarel , Ranjana Srinivasan , Negar Morshedian , Christina M. Capodilupo , Melanie E. Brewster

The present study explored racial and cultural factors that influence body image development with a sample of 10 heterosexual Asian American women through in-person, semistructured interviews. Data were analyzed via the consensual qualitative research methodology (Hill, 2012; Hill et al., 2005) and highlighted several factors shaping body image for Asian American women: (a) interpersonal influences, (b) Asian and American body ideals, (c) thin-ideal internalization, and (d) protective behaviors and attitudes. The findings specifically identify the most frequently reported categories as male gazing, nonfamilial close relationships, and standards of body/beauty established by both Asian and American cultures. Limitations of findings and future research directions are provided.



本研究通过面对面的半结构化访谈,以 10 名异性恋亚裔美国女性为样本,探讨了影响身体形象发展的种族和文化因素。通过一致同意的定性研究方法(Hill,2012 年;Hill 等人,2005 年)分析数据,并强调了塑造亚裔美国女性身体形象的几个因素:(a)人际影响,(b)亚洲和美国的身体理想,(c ) 理想的内化,以及 (d) 保护行为和态度。调查结果特别指出了最常报告的类别,如男性凝视、非家庭亲密关系以及亚洲和美国文化建立的身体/美丽标准。提供了研究结果的局限性和未来的研究方向。