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Boat Noise and Black Drum Vocalizations in Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon (Argentina)
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.3390/jmse9010044
Maria Ceraulo , María Paz Sal Moyano , Fernando Jose Hidalgo , María Cielo Bazterrica , Salvatore Mazzola , María Andrea Gavio , Giuseppa Buscaino

Human-generated underwater noise and its effect on marine biota is recognized as an important issue. Boat noise can affect the communication success of fish species that use sounds for spawning purposes. During the reproductive period, males of the black drum Pogonias spp. produce calls ranging from 90 Hz to 300 Hz. In the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Pogonias courbina is one of the primary fishing species. Although no regulation is directly applied to protect it, a ban protects the reproductive period of other fish species during weekdays. Here, we investigated the potential effect of boat noise on P. courbina vocalizations through a passive acoustic method. Acoustic data were collected, and P. courbina calls were identified and counted. The files with boat noise passages were categorized into classes according to their noise frequency range (A = below 700 Hz, B = over 700 Hz, and C = below and above 700 Hz). The fish call rate was lower in files where boat noise overlapped the fish call frequency (Classes A and C). Only boat noise from Class C was significantly reduced during days with the active fishing ban. These results suggest that anthropogenic noise may affect the P. courbina call rate and underline the importance of including the evaluation of anthropogenic noise in the current management of the area.


Mar Chiquita沿海泻湖(阿根廷)的船噪声和黑鼓声

人为产生的水下噪声及其对海洋生物群系的影响被认为是一个重要问题。船上的噪音会影响使用声音产生卵的鱼类的交流成功。在生殖期,黑鼓Po猪的雄性。产生范围从90 Hz到300 Hz的呼叫。在Mar Chiquita沿海泻湖(阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯)中,Pogonias courbina是主要的捕捞物种之一。尽管没有直接适用的法规来保护它,但是禁令保护了平日中其他鱼类的繁殖期。在这里,我们通过被动声学方法研究了船上噪声对库尔宾对虾发声的潜在影响。收集了声学数据,并得到了P. courbina呼叫已被识别并计数。具有噪声通道的文件根据其噪声频率范围分为几类(A =低于700 Hz,B =高于700 Hz,C =低于和高于700 Hz)。在船噪声与鱼叫频率重叠的文件中,鱼叫率较低(A和C类)。在积极禁止捕鱼的日子里,只有C类船只的噪音大大减少了。这些结果表明,人为噪声可能会影响库氏假单胞菌的呼出率,并强调了在该地区的当前管理中纳入人为噪声评估的重要性。