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Effects of daytime exposure to different monochromatic lights on the excretion of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) in a hospital environment
Biological Rhythm Research ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09291016.2020.1870302
Teresinha Guerreiro Cervi Angstmam 1, 2 , Ayrton Custodio Moreira 2 , Edson Zangiacomi Martinez 2


Hospitalized patients are frequently deprived of contact with natural light and constantly exposed to artificial lighting, losing biological synchronism. However, few studies have been conducted to assess the consequences of inadequate exposure to light in hospital environments, whether related to insufficient light in the period daytime, or to light peaks at night. This study assesses the effect of daytime exposure to different monochromatic lights on the excretion of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s), a hormone that reflects variations in the light/dark cycle. The light intensity was adjusted to 300 lx. Forty voluntary patients under transfusion were randomly assigned into five groups of light exposure for five hours, during the day. The concentration of aMT6s was determined in the urine samples collected at four intervals in a period of 24 hours during two days (before and at intervention). Exposure to green light resulted in significant acute melatonin reduction; blue light, in delay of night secretion; red, yellow and white light, kept it unaltered. These findings indicate that exposure to light during the day can lead to changes in the pattern of melatonin secretion. This research can be useful in artificial lighting environments, such as hospitals, to maintain adequate lighting and preserve the sleep/wake cycle.


日间暴露于不同单色光对医院环境中 6-硫酸氧褪黑激素 (aMT6s) 排泄的影响


住院患者经常被剥夺与自然光的接触,并不断暴露在人工照明下,失去了生物同步性。然而,很少有研究评估医院环境中光照不足的后果,无论是与白天光照不足有关,还是与夜间光照高峰有关。这项研究评估了白天暴露于不同单色光对 6-硫酸氧褪黑激素 (aMT6s) 排泄的影响,该激素是一种反映光/暗循环变化的激素。光强度调整为 300 lx。40 名自愿接受输血的患者在白天被随机分配到 5 组光照 5 小时。在两天内(干预前和干预时),在 24 小时内以 4 个间隔收集的尿样中测定 aMT6 的浓度。暴露在绿光下会导致褪黑激素急剧减少;蓝光,延缓夜间分泌;红色,黄色和白色的光,保持不变。这些发现表明,白天暴露在光线下会导致褪黑激素分泌模式的变化。这项研究可用于医院等人工照明环境,以保持充足的照明并保持睡眠/唤醒周期。这些发现表明,白天暴露在光线下会导致褪黑激素分泌模式的变化。这项研究可用于医院等人工照明环境,以保持充足的照明并保持睡眠/唤醒周期。这些发现表明,白天暴露在光线下会导致褪黑激素分泌模式的变化。这项研究可用于医院等人工照明环境,以保持充足的照明并保持睡眠/唤醒周期。
