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Identification of fungi isolated from astronaut nasal and pharyngeal smears and saliva
Microbiology and Immunology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1111/1348-0421.12872
Kazuo Satoh 1, 2 , Takashi Yamazaki 3 , Satoshi Furukawa 4 , Chiaki Mukai 4 , Koichi Makimura 1, 2

As part of a series of studies regarding the microbiota in manned space environments, we isolated the fungal strains from nasal and pharyngeal smears and saliva of 21 astronauts preflight, in‐flight, and postflight. On the ground, 120 strains from 43 genera of environmental fungi were isolated from the astronauts. The dominant fungal genera were Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus. Only 18 strains from four genera were isolated from the astronauts inside the International Space Station. These fungi are currently thought to be harmless, but regular screening and cleaning are necessary to prevent fungus‐related health disorders.



作为载人航天环境微生物群系列研究的一部分,我们从 21 名宇航员飞行前、飞行中和飞行后的鼻咽涂片和唾液中分离出真菌菌株。在地面上,从宇航员身上分离出环境真菌43属120株。优势真菌属是枝孢、青霉属曲霉。从国际空间站内的宇航员中仅分离出来自四个属的 18 个菌株。这些真菌目前被认为是无害的,但定期筛查和清洁对于预防真菌相关的健康障碍是必要的。