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Effect of photoperiod on winter and summer diapause of the soybean pod borer Leguminivora glycinivorella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2020.12.021
Hideto Yoshimura , Ken Tabuchi , Ryuji Uesugi , Akihiko Takahashi

To understand the geographical differences between diapause systems and synchronization of adult occurrence in the soybean pod borer Leguminivora glycinivorella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), we examined the timing of winter diapause termination and intensity of summer diapause using univoltine and potentially bivoltine individuals in Iwate, Japan. In laboratory rearing experiments of mature larvae maintained at constant temperature (20 °C), winter diapause intensity weakened by January without photoperiodic responses. Meanwhile, summer diapause was maintained by the long day length and presumably terminated with the photoperiodic transition from long to short day length. The intensity of summer diapause was stronger for cocoons that transitioned from a 16 h light to 8 h dark (LD 16:8) to a LD 15:9 photoperiod than for those that transitioned from LD 15:9 to LD 14:10. These results suggest that populations distributed in relatively low-latitude areas, with partly or potentially bivoltine individuals, would have a weaker summer diapause or none at all. Moreover, sexual differences in the number of days to emergence were not detected when individuals experienced a photoperiodic transition from long to short day length, suggesting that the summer diapause system may function to synchronize the emergence of males and females in the population examined.


光周期对大豆荚boreLeleginivora glycinivorella(鳞翅目:Tor科)冬季和夏季滞育的影响

了解滞育系统和大豆荚boreLeguminivora glycinivorella成年同步之间的地理差异(鳞翅目:Tortricidae),我们在日本岩手县使用单电压和潜在的双电压个体检查了冬季滞育终止的时间和夏季滞育的强度。在保持在恒定温度(20°C)的成熟幼虫的实验室饲养实验中,到1月,冬季滞育强度减弱,没有光周期反应。同时,夏季的滞育现象维持了很长的一天,大概是随着光周期从长到短的过渡而终止。与从LD 15:9转变为LD 14:10的茧相比,从16 h亮到8 h暗(LD 16:8)转变为LD 15:9的茧的夏季滞育强度更强。这些结果表明,人口分布在相对低纬度的地区,部分或可能存在双伏特个体,夏天的滞育能力会减弱,甚至根本没有。此外,当个体经历从长日到短日的光周期转变时,未检测到出苗天数的性别差异,这表明夏季滞育系统可以起到使所研究人群中的男女出苗同步的作用。
