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Origin, structure and genetic diversity of synanthropic populations of Fragaria moschata in Germany
Flora ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2021.151762
Sebastian Buschmann , Janne Schriefer , Nadine Bölke , Veit Herklotz , Christoph Neinhuis , Klaus Olbricht , Christiane Maria Ritz

Former and present cultivation of plant species impacts their distribution patterns and today's composition of floras. If native and feral populations are overlapping, the local status of a species remains often questionable. The musk strawberry (Fragaria moschata) is such an example: It is native to Central Europe but has been extensively cultivated until the end of 19th century. The border between native and synanthropic distribution runs presumably from Northeastern to Southwestern Germany. To analyse the relationship between native and synanthropic populations of F. moschata, we performed a population genetic analysis using seven microsatellite markers: We compared native populations from Germany and the Czech Republic, proposed synanthropic occurrences from Germany and cultivars of F. moschata from the germplasm repository “Professor Staudt Collection”. Synanthropic populations were genetically less diverse than native ones and consisted often of one clone only. The results revealed four clones frequently found in synanthropic populations across Germany and moreover, we detected a clear genetic separation between synanthropic and native populations. Furthermore, synanthropic populations were differentiated in a Northern and a Southern German cluster, each comprising cultivars of Northern or Southern European origin as well. We conclude that the synanthropic populations in Germany were actively spread by humans. Dispersal of these populations is extremely limited due to fragmentation and the lack of mating partners. Synanthropic populations were not established by collecting nearby native occurrences but are rather related to different cultivation centres in Europe.



过去和现在对植物物种的种植影响着它们的分布方式和今天的植物群组成。如果本地和野生种群重叠,则物种的当地地位通常仍然令人怀疑。麝香草莓(Fragaria moschata)就是一个例子:它原产于中欧,但一直被广泛种植到19世纪末。原生分布和合人类分布之间的边界大概是从德国东北部到西南部。为了分析的本地和住区(synanthropic)群体之间的关系F.鸭,我们使用七个微卫星标记进行了种群遗传分析:我们比较了德国和捷克共和国的原住民种群,德国和拟南芥的拟合生现象来自种质库“ Staudt教授收藏”。同生种群在遗传上比本地种群少,并且通常仅由一个克隆组成。结果揭示了在德国的人类界人群中经常发现的四个克隆,此外,我们检测到了人类界与土著人群之间清晰的遗传分离。此外,在北德意志和南德意志集群中,人类共同种群也有所区别,每个集群也包括北欧或南欧起源的品种。我们得出的结论是,德国的合人类群体是由人类积极传播的。由于人口分散和缺乏交配伙伴,这些种群的扩散受到极大限制。
