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The k-restricted edge-connectivity of the data center network DCell
Applied Mathematics and Computation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2020.125941
Xuemei Liu , Jixiang Meng

For any integers m0 and n2, we use Dm,n to denote the m-dimensional DCell with n-port switches. For a simple graph G=(V,E), an edge subset SE(G) is said to be a λk-cut of G, if GS is disconnected and each component of GS has at least k vertices. The k-restricted edge-connectivity of G, denoted by λk(G), is the minimum cardinality of all λk-cuts of G. We prove that λk(Dm,n)=k(m+nk) for mn2 and 2kn, λk(Dm,n)=mn for n>m2 and mkn and λk(Dm,n)=k(m+nk) for n>m2 and 2k<m. We also characterize the structure of the minimum λk-cuts of Dm,n in terms of the above conclusions.



对于任何整数 0ñ2 我们用 dñ 表示 DCell具有 ñ端口开关。对于一个简单的图G=VË 边缘子集 小号ËG 据说是 λķ-切 G 如果 G-小号 断开连接,并且 G-小号 至少有 ķ顶点。的ķ的有限边缘连接性 G 表示为 λķG 是所有的最小基数 λķ-削减 G。我们证明λķdñ=ķ+ñ-ķ 对于 ñ22ķñ λķdñ=ñ 对于 ñ>2ķñλķdñ=ķ+ñ-ķ 对于 ñ>22ķ<。我们还描述了最小值的结构λķ-削减 dñ 根据以上结论。
