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Variation among colonies in breeding success and population trajectories of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans at South Georgia
Polar Biology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02780-6
Carola Rackete , Sally Poncet , Stephanie D. Good , Richard A. Phillips , Ken Passfield , Philip Trathan

The wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans, is a globally threatened species breeding at a number of sites within the Southern Ocean. Across the South Georgia archipelago, there are differences in population trends even at closely located colonies. Between 1999 and 2018 the largest colony, at Bird Island, declined at 3.01% per annum, while in the Bay of Isles, the decline was 1.44% per annum. Using mean demographic rates from a 31-year study at Bird Island and an 11-year study of breeding success at Prion Island in the Bay of Isles in a VORTEX model, we show that differences in breeding success do not fully explain observed differences in population trends. Other potential contributing factors are differential use of foraging areas, with possible knock-on effects on adult body condition, provisioning rate and breeding success, or on bycatch rates of adults or immatures.


南乔治亚岛流浪信天翁 Diomedea exulans 繁殖成功率和种群轨迹的种群差异

流浪信天翁 Diomedea exulans 是一种全球濒危物种,在南大洋的多个地点繁殖。在整个南乔治亚群岛,即使在距离较近的殖民地,人口趋势也存在差异。1999 年至 2018 年间,鸟岛最大的殖民地以每年 3.01% 的速度下降,而在群岛湾,每年下降 1.44%。使用来自鸟岛 31 年研究和群岛湾朊病毒岛 11 年育种成功研究的平均人口统计率,在 VORTEX 模型中,我们表明育种成功的差异并不能完全解释观察到的种群差异趋势。其他潜在的影响因素是觅食区的不同用途,可能对成体的身体状况、供应率和繁殖成功率产生连锁反应,