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Fostering early numerical competencies by playing conventional board games
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2020.105060
Hedwig Gasteiger 1 , Korbinian Moeller 2

Recent evidence indicates that playing numerical board games is beneficial for the numerical development of preschoolers. However, board games used in these studies were often specifically developed for training numerical skills. Therefore, we examined whether similar beneficial effects could be observed for playing conventional board games such as Parcheesi. In an intervention study with seven 30-min training sessions over a period of 4 weeks, we observed that 4- to 6-year-old children (Mage = 4 years 11 months) who played conventional board games with traditional number dice (with dot faces numbered from one to six) benefitted more from the board games than children who played board games with color or non-numerical symbol dice. Pretest–posttest comparisons indicated differential effects on counting skills and the ability to recognize and use structures. Beyond these immediate training effects observed in posttest, the differential beneficial effects of playing board games using traditional dot dice on recognizing and using structures was still present in a follow-up test 1 year after the intervention. Thus, playing conventional board games using traditional number dice seems to be an effective low-threshold intervention to foster early numerical competencies.



最近的证据表明,玩数字棋盘游戏有利于学龄前儿童的数字发展。然而,这些研究中使用的棋盘游戏通常是专门为训练数字技能而开发的。因此,我们研究了玩传统棋盘游戏(例如 Parcheesi)是否可以观察到类似的有益效果。在一项为期 4 周、包含 7 次 30 分钟训练课程的干预研究中,我们观察到 4 至 6 岁的儿童(M = 4 岁 11 个月)与玩彩色或非数字符号骰子的棋盘游戏的儿童相比,玩传统数字骰子(点面编号为 1 到 6)的传统棋盘游戏的儿童从棋盘游戏中获益更多。前后测比较表明对计数技能和识别和使用结构的能力的不同影响。除了在后测中观察到的这些即时训练效果之外,在干预后一年的后续测试中,使用传统点骰子玩棋盘游戏对识别和使用结构的不同有益影响仍然存在。因此,使用传统数字骰子玩传统棋盘游戏似乎是培养早期数字能力的有效低门槛干预措施。
