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Microbial Communities’ Characterization in Urban Recreational Surface Waters Using Next Generation Sequencing
Microbial Ecology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s00248-020-01649-9
Laura Vega 1 , Jesús Jaimes 1 , Duvan Morales 1 , David Martínez 1 , Lissa Cruz-Saavedra 1 , Marina Muñoz 1 , Juan David Ramírez 1

Microbial communities in surface waters used for recreational purposes are indicators of contamination and risk of contact with human pathogens. Hence, monitoring microbial communities in recreational waters is important for potential public health threats to humans. Such monitoring is rare in Colombia, even in its capital, Bogotá, the most populous city in the country. This city encompasses metropolitan and linear parks with recreational water bodies that are used frequently by the public, and the presence of pathogens can compromise the health of the citizens. Therefore, we examined the bacterial, and eukaryotic communities in urban recreational lakes (URL) in four metropolitan parks in Bogotá, Colombia. Samples from four metropolitan parks (Los Novios, Simon Bolivar, El Tunal, and Timiza) and one stream contaminated with sewage from a linear park (El Virrey) were collected. We used amplicon next-generation sequencing of the 16S-rRNA gene and 18S-rRNA gene to characterize microbial communities followed by bioinformatics analyses. In addition, general water quality parameters—pH, hardness, acidity, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, and nitrites—were recorded using a commercial kit. Genera of pathogens, including Legionella, Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium, Candida, and Naegleria, were found in lake waters. The stream El Virrey was, however, the only surface water that showed an abundance of fecal bacteria, often associated with low oxygen concentrations. All water bodies showed a predominance of fungal phyla, except for the lake at Timiza. This lake showed the highest pH, and its ecological dynamics are likely different from other water bodies. Likewise, some URLs displayed a greater abundance of cyanobacteria, including toxin-producing species. Algal genera associated with eutrophication were predominant among primary producing microorganisms. This study shows for the first time the description of the bacterial and eukaryotic communities of some URLs and a stream in Bogotá. The URLs and the stream harbored various pathogens that might pose a risk to the citizen’s health.



用于娱乐目的的地表水中的微生物群落是污染和接触人类病原体风险的指标。因此,监测娱乐水域中的微生物群落对于人类潜在的公共卫生威胁非常重要。这种监测在哥伦比亚很少见,即使在其首都波哥大(该国人口最多的城市)也是如此。这座城市包括大都市和线性公园,拥有公众经常使用的休闲水体,病原体的存在会危害市民的健康。因此,我们检查了哥伦比亚波哥大四个城市公园的城市休闲湖泊 (URL) 中的细菌和真核生物群落。来自四个大都会公园(Los Novios、Simon Bolivar、El Tunal、和 Timiza)和一条被线性公园(El Virrey)的污水污染的溪流。我们使用 16S-rRNA 基因和 18S-rRNA 基因的扩增子下一代测序来表征微生物群落,然后进行生物信息学分析。此外,使用商业套件记录一般水质参数——pH、硬度、酸度、碱度、溶解氧和亚硝酸盐。病原体的属,包括军团菌假单胞菌分枝杆菌、念珠菌奈格勒,在湖水中被发现。然而,El Virrey 溪流是唯一显示大量粪便细菌的地表水,这些细菌通常与低氧浓度有关。除蒂米扎湖外,所有水体均显示真菌门占优势。该湖的 pH 值最高,其生态动态可能与其他水体不同。同样,一些 URL 显示出更丰富的蓝藻,包括产生毒素的物种。与富营养化相关的藻类在初级生产微生物中占主导地位。这项研究首次显示了波哥大一些 URL 和一条溪流的细菌和真核生物群落的描述。URLs 和流包含可能对公民的健康构成风险的各种病原体。
