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Potential Human Health Risks Due to Groundwater Fluoride Contamination: A Case Study Using Multi-techniques Approaches (GWQI, FPI, GIS, HHRA) in Bilate River Basin of Southern Main Ethiopian Rift, Ethiopia
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s00244-020-00802-2
Muhammed Haji , Shankar Karuppannan , Dajun Qin , Hassen Shube , Nafyad Serre Kawo

The main focus of the present research was to examine the appropriateness of groundwater resources for drinking purposes in the Bilate River Basin of Southern Main Ethiopian Rift, Ethiopia. The groundwater quality index (GWQI), fluoride pollution index (FPI), and human health risk were used to examine the human health risk factors associated with the intake of high fluoride groundwater. For this purpose, 29 groundwater samples were collected from the existing wells and were analyzed for various physicochemical parameters. The dominant cation was Na+, followed by Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+. The dominant anion was HCO3, followed by Cl, SO42−, and F. The Gibbs plot shows that rock-water interactions are the dominant factor controlling the groundwater chemistry. By using the GWQI, the quality of groundwater samples was 31% excellent, 21% good, 31% poor, and 17% very poor. The fluoride concentration in groundwater ranges from 0.2 to 5.60 mg/L (mean, 2.10 mg/L). 59% (i.e., 17 wells) of the groundwater samples were not suitable for drinking, because they surpassed the drinking water quality limit of 1.5 mg/L. The remaining 41% (i.e., 12 wells) of the samples were suitable for drinking. The FPI indicates that 51.72% of the wells were highly polluted by fluoride. The noncarcinogenic health risk varies from 0.75 to 8.44 for children (83%), 0.34–3.84 for women (62%), and 0.27–3.01 for men (52%), which indicates that children are at higher health risk than women and men due to the physiological condition and the rates of ingestion.



本研究的主要重点是研究埃塞俄比亚南部主要埃塞俄比亚大裂谷的彼拉特河流域的地下水资源是否适合饮用。地下水质量指数(GWQI),氟化物污染指数(FPI)和人类健康风险被用来检查与摄入高氟化物地下水相关的人类健康风险因素。为此,从现有井中收集了29个地下水样品,并分析了各种理化参数。优势阳离子为Na +,其次为Ca 2 +,Mg 2+和K +。占主导地位的是阴离子HCO 3 - ,随后经Cl -,SO 4 2-和F -。吉布斯图表明,岩水相互作用是控制地下水化学的主要因素。通过使用GWQI,地下水样品的质量为优31%,良21%,劣31%,极劣17%。地下水中的氟化物浓度范围为0.2至5.60 mg / L(平均值为2.10 mg / L)。59%(即17口井)的地下水样品不适合饮用,因为它们超过了1.5 mg / L的饮用水质量极限。其余41%(即12口井)的样品适合饮用。FPI表明有51.72%的井被氟化物高度污染。儿童的非致癌健康风险从0.75到8.44(83%),女性为0.34–3.84(62%),男性为0.27–3.01(52%),
