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Quantum correlations in neutrino oscillation: Coherence and entanglement
EPL ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/132/31002
M. M. Ettefaghi 1 , Z. S. Tabatabaei Lotfi 2 , R. Ramezani Arani 2

In this paper, we consider the quantum correlations, coherence and entanglement, in neutrino oscillation. We find that the l 1-norm as a coherence measure is equal to the sum of the three possible concurrences for measuring the entanglement among different flavor modes which were calculated in the paper by Blasone M.et al., EPL, 112 (2015) 20007. Our result shows that the origin of the flavor entanglement in neutrino oscillation is the same as that of quantum coherence. Furthermore, in the wave packet framework, the variation of the l 1-norm is investigated by varying the wave packet width $\sigma_{x}$ . As expected, the amount of coherence increases by $\sigma_{x}$ due to the increase in overlapping of the mass eigenstates.



在本文中,我们考虑了中微子振荡中的量子相关性,相干性和纠缠。我们发现,作为相干度度量的l 1范数等于Blasone M.等人在论文(EPL112(2015))中计算出的用于测量不同风味模式之间纠缠的三种可能同时存在的总和。20007。我们的结果表明,中微子振荡中风味纠缠的起源与量子相干的起源相同。此外,在波包框架中,通过改变波包宽度来研究l 1范数的变化$ \ sigma_ {x} $ 。正如预期的那样,相干量增加了$ \ sigma_ {x} $ 由于本征态的重叠增加。
