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The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR4 maps and cosmological parameters
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2020/12/047
Simone Aiola 1, 2 , Erminia Calabrese 3 , Loïc Maurin 4, 5 , Sigurd Naess 1 , Benjamin L. Schmitt 6 , Maximilian H. Abitbol 7 , Graeme E. Addison 8 , Peter A. R. Ade 3 , David Alonso 7 , Mandana Amiri 9 , Stefania Amodeo 10 , Elio Angile 6 , Jason E. Austermann 11 , Taylor Baildon 12 , Nick Battaglia 10 , James A. Beall 11 , Rachel Bean 10 , Daniel T. Becker 11 , J Richard Bond 13 , Sarah Marie Bruno 2 , Victoria Calafut 10 , Luis E. Campusano 14 , Felipe Carrero 15 , Grace E. Chesmore 16 , Hsiao-mei Cho 11, 17 , Steve K. Choi 2, 10, 18 , Susan E. Clark 19 , Nicholas F. Cothard 20 , Devin Crichton 21 , Kevin T. Crowley 2, 22 , Omar Darwish 23 , Rahul Datta 8 , Edward V. Denison 11 , Mark J. Devlin 6 , Cody J. Duell 18 , Shannon M. Duff 11 , Adriaan J. Duivenvoorden 2 , Jo Dunkley 2, 24 , Rolando Dünner 5 , Thomas Essinger-Hileman 25 , Max Fankhanel 15 , Simone Ferraro 26 , Anna E. Fox 11 , Brittany Fuzia 27 , Patricio A. Gallardo 18 , Vera Gluscevic 28 , Joseph E. Golec 16 , Emily Grace 2 , Megan Gralla 29 , Yilun Guan 30 , Kirsten Hall 8 , Mark Halpern 9 , Dongwon Han 31 , Peter Hargrave 3 , Matthew Hasselfield 1, 32, 33 , Jakob M. Helton 24 , Shawn Henderson 17 , Brandon Hensley 24 , J. Colin Hill 1, 34 , Gene C. Hilton 11 , Matt Hilton 21 , Adam D. Hincks 35 , Renée Hložek 35, 36 , Shuay-Pwu Patty Ho 2 , Johannes Hubmayr 11 , Kevin M. Huffenberger 27 , John P. Hughes 37 , Leopoldo Infante 5 , Kent Irwin 38 , Rebecca Jackson 16 , Jeff Klein 6 , Kenda Knowles 21 , Brian Koopman 39 , Arthur Kosowsky 30 , Vincent Lakey 27 , Dale Li 11, 17 , Yaqiong Li 2 , Zack Li 24 , Martine Lokken 13, 35 , Thibaut Louis 40 , Marius Lungu 2, 6 , Amanda MacInnis 31 , Mathew Madhavacheril 41 , Felipe Maldonado 27 , Maya Mallaby-Kay 42 , Danica Marsden 6 , Jeff McMahon 12, 16, 42, 43, 44 , Felipe Menanteau 45, 46 , Kavilan Moodley 21 , Tim Morton 28 , Toshiya Namikawa 23 , Federico Nati 6, 47 , Laura Newburgh 39 , John P. Nibarger 11 , Andrina Nicola 24 , Michael D. Niemack 10, 18 , Michael R. Nolta 13 , John Orlowski-Sherer 6 , Lyman A. Page 2 , Christine G. Pappas 11 , Bruce Partridge 48 , Phumlani Phakathi 21 , Giampaolo Pisano 3 , Heather Prince 24 , Roberto Puddu 5 , Frank J. Qu 23 , Jesus Rivera 37 , Naomi Robertson 49 , Felipe Rojas 5, 15 , Maria Salatino 38, 50 , Emmanuel Schaan 26 , Alessandro Schillaci 51 , Neelima Sehgal 31 , Blake D. Sherwin 23 , Carlos Sierra 16 , Jon Sievers 52 , Cristobal Sifon 53 , Precious Sikhosana 21 , Sara Simon 12 , David N. Spergel 1, 24 , Suzanne T. Staggs 2 , Jason Stevens 18 , Emilie Storer 2 , Dhaneshwar D. Sunder 21 , Eric R. Switzer 25 , Ben Thorne 54 , Robert Thornton 6, 55 , Hy Trac 56 , Jesse Treu 57 , Carole Tucker 3 , Leila R. Vale 11 , Alexander Van Engelen 58 , Jeff Van Lanen 11 , Eve M. Vavagiakis 18 , Kasey Wagoner 2 , Yuhan Wang 2 , Jonathan T. Ward 6 , Edward J. Wollack 25 , Zhilei Xu 6 , Fernando Zago 52 , Ningfeng Zhu 6

We present new arcminute-resolution maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature and polarization anisotropy from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, using data taken from 2013-2016 at 98 and 150 GHz. The maps cover more than 17,000 deg$^2$, the deepest 600 deg$^2$ with noise levels below $10$ $\mu$K-arcmin. We use the power spectrum derived from almost 6,000 deg$^2$ of these maps to constrain cosmology. The ACT data enable a measurement of the angular scale of features in both the divergence-like polarization and the temperature anisotropy, tracing both the velocity and density at last-scattering. From these one can derive the distance to the last-scattering surface and thus infer the local expansion rate, $H_0$. By combining ACT data with large-scale information from WMAP we measure $H_0=67.6\pm 1.1$ km/s/Mpc, at 68% confidence, in excellent agreement with the independently-measured Planck satellite estimate (from ACT alone we find $H_0=67.9\pm 1.5$ km/s/Mpc). The $\Lambda$CDM model provides a good fit to the ACT data, and we find no evidence for deviations: both the spatial curvature, and the departure from the standard lensing signal in the spectrum, are zero to within 1$\sigma$; the number of relativistic species, the primordial Helium fraction, and the running of the spectral index are consistent with $\Lambda$CDM predictions to within 1.5-2$\sigma$. We compare ACT, WMAP, and Planck at the parameter level and find good consistency; we investigate how the constraints on the correlated spectral index and baryon density parameters readjust when adding CMB large-scale information that ACT does not measure. The DR4 products presented here will be publicly released on the NASA Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis.


阿塔卡马宇宙学望远镜:DR4 地图和宇宙学参数

我们使用 2013-2016 年 98 GHz 和 150 GHz 的数据,展示了来自阿塔卡马宇宙学望远镜的宇宙微波背景温度和极化各向异性的新弧分分辨率图。这些地图覆盖了超过 17,000 deg$^2$,最深的 600 deg$^2$,噪音水平低于 $10$ $\mu$K-arcmin。我们使用从这些地图中近 6,000 deg$^2$ 得出的功率谱来约束宇宙学。ACT 数据能够测量发散状极化和温度各向异性中特征的角标度,追踪最后散射时的速度和密度。从这些可以推导出到最后一个散射表面的距离,从而推断出局部膨胀率 $H_0$。通过将 ACT 数据与来自 WMAP 的大规模信息相结合,我们以 68% 的置信度测量 $H_0=67.6\pm 1.1$ km/s/Mpc,与独立测量的普朗克卫星估计值非常一致(仅从 ACT 我们发现 $H_0=67.9\pm 1.5$ km/s/Mpc)。$\Lambda$CDM 模型很好地拟合了 ACT 数据,我们没有发现偏差的证据:空间曲率和光谱中与标准透镜信号的偏离都为零到 1$\sigma$ ; 相对论物种的数量、原始氦分数和光谱指数的运行与 $\Lambda$CDM 预测一致,在 1.5-2$\sigma$ 内。我们在参数层面比较了ACT、WMAP和Planck,发现一致性很好;我们研究了当添加 ACT 未测量的 CMB 大规模信息时,对相关光谱指数和重子密度参数的约束如何重新调整。