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(2785) Proposal to conserve the name Centaurea crocata Franco against C. crocata Gand. (Compositae)
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12399
Núria Garcia‐Jacas 1 , Alfonso Susanna 1

(2785) Centaurea crocata Franco, Nova Fl. Portugal 2: 572. 1984 [Angiosp.: Comp.], nom. cons. prop.

Typus: [Portugal, Algarve], Monchique, Moinho do Peso, Jul 1924, Palhinha (LISU No. P‐39238).

(H) Centaurea crocata Gand., Obs. Centaurea: 13. Oct 1873, nom. rej. prop.

Lectotypus (hic designatus): [France], St. Bonnet‐sur‐Montmelas (Rhône), 26 Jul 1869, Gandoger 3 (LY barcode LY0004276).

Centaurea crocata Franco (Nova Fl. Portugal 2: 572. 1984) was published by João do Amaral Franco to accommodate a rare species from southern Portugal often referred to C. prolongoi Boiss. A comprehensive study of the two species by Garcia‐Jacas & Susanna (in Nordic J. Bot. 14: 31–38. 1994) confirmed that it was a separate entity both by morphological and genetic evidence. Centaurea crocata Franco is accepted in all modern floras and online compilations: Devesa in Castroviejo & al., Fl. Iber. 21: 552–555. 2015; Carapeto & al., Centaurea crocata Franco – Map. Distrib. 2019 (http://www.flora-on.pt/#wCentaurea+crocata, accessed 15 Jun 2020); Euro+Med PlantBase (http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/PTaxonDetail.asp?NameCache=Centaurea&PTRefFk=7000000, accessed 15 Jun 2020).

Centaurea crocata Gand. (Obs. Centaurea: 13. 1873) was published by Gandoger in a booklet with the title Observations sur les Centaurea decipiens (Thuill.), transalpina (Schleich.) et tubulosa (Chabert). The booklet included the description of 22 new species by Gandoger, namely Centaurea adusta, C. crocata, C. dealbescens, C. eriocaulon, C. fallacina, C. flexilis, C. foliosa [nom. illeg., non Boiss. & Kotschy], C. gracilescens, C. grandifolia, C. incurvata, C. intermixta, C. lucescens, C. lyratifolia, C. myrioclada, C. pseudomicroptilon, C. pulmonariifolia, C. sabauda, C. seminutans, C. subcana, C. subconica, C. torrida and C. valida. None of these species has ever been accepted, and they are not reflected, even as synonyms, in any major flora (e.g., Dostál in Tutin & al., Fl. Eur. 4: 254–301. 1976). It is noteworthy that even the floras of France (Coste, Fl. Descr. France 2. 1906; Guinochet & Vilmorin, Fl. France 4. 1982) do not mention any of them, even though all the species were described from the region around Lyon (France). Either they do not appear in major databases such as Euro+Med (see above) or Tela Botanica (https://www.tela‐botanica.org/?s=Centaurea%20&in=flore, accessed 8 Oct 2019), or else they are marked as “unresolved” as in The Plant List (http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/search?q=Centaurea, accessed 8 Oct 2019). A close examination of the specimen of C. crocata preserved in Lyon and designated as lectotype (LY0004276, https://herbier2014.univ-lyon1.fr/fiche/6649, accessed 8 Oct 2019) shows that the purported species falls into the variability of the widespread C. nigra L.

The dismissal of the Centaurea species described in Gandoger's booklet is as unanimous as unsurprising. The appearance of so many new Centaurea species in a small geographic area is highly suspicious and nobody has taken the treatment seriously for good reasons. We can recall here the extremely negative opinion on Gandoger published by Rothmaler (in Taxon 11: 156–160. 1962). It is not any wonder that Gandoger's opus magnum, his 27‐volume Flora Europae terrarumque adjacentium, appears in Appendix I (Suppressed Works) of the Shenzhen Code (Wiersema & al. at https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/botany/codes-proposals/ 2018+ [accessed 17 Mar 2020]) as a work in which no species name is validly published.

To propose a different name (Centaurea francoi Figueiredo & Gideon F. Sm. in Phytotaxa 344(1): 99. 2018) because of the prior existence of a taxonomically hollow and never accepted species does not contribute to nomenclatural stability. As C. crocata Franco, the taxon has a long record of citations and intense research on monographs along almost 30 years: it was studied by Garcia‐Jacas (Estudi Taxon. Biosist. Espècies Centaurea sect. Acrocentron. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Barcelona. 1992); by Garcia‐Jacas & Susanna (l.c.), who suggested that it was a fine example of hybridogenic speciation; by Fernández Casas (in Fontqueria 48: 221. 1998) when describing a closely related species; by Font & al. (in Pl. Syst. Evol. 234: 15–26. 2002), who included C. crocata in a molecular phylogeny of Centaurea sect. Acrocentron; by Font & al. in an extended molecular phylogeny of the group (in Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 103: 985–997. 2009); by Garcia‐Jacas & al. (in Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 52: 377–394), who confirmed on molecular basis the hypothesis of the hybridogenic origin; by Moreyra (Origin Polyploid Complexes C. tentudaica and C. crocata. M.Sc. Diss., Univ. Barcelona. 2019); and it is listed under this name in the two modern floras of the Iberian Peninsula: Franco (l.c.) and Devesa (l.c.). Conservation efforts are beginning in Portugal under this name (https://listavermelha-flora.pt/especies/, accessed 15 Jun 2020). In this context, it seems to us inappropriate to change the name of a soundly described, widely accepted and thoroughly studied Centaurea crocata Franco to C. francoi Figueiredo & Gideon F. Sm. (l.c.), and so we propose to conserve the name Centaurea crocata Franco against its earlier homonym, C. crocata Gand.


(2785)提议保留针对C. crocata Gand的Centaurea crocata Franco名称。(菊科)

(2785)Centaurea crocata Franco,Nova Fl。葡萄牙2:572 1984 [Angiosp .:小样。],NOM。缺点 支柱。


(H)Centaurea crocata Gand。,观察 矢车菊:13年1月10日,标称。rej。支柱。

Lectotypus(hic designatus): [法国],圣邦内·苏·蒙梅拉斯(罗纳),1869年7月26日,甘多格3号(LY条码LY0004276)。

Joentao Amaral Franco出版了Centaurea crocata Franco(Nova Fl.Portugal 2:572。1984),以容纳葡萄牙南部常被称为C. prolongoi Boiss的稀有物种。Garcia-Jacas&Susanna对这两个物种的全面研究(Nordic J. Bot。14:31-38。1994)证实,从形态学和遗传学证据来看,这是一个独立的实体。Centaurea crocata Franco已被所有现代植物群和在线汇编所接受:位于Castroviejo等人的Devesa,佛罗里达州。伊伯 21:552–555。2015; Carapeto等人,Centaurea crocata佛朗哥–地图。分发。2019(http://www.flora-on.pt/#wCentaurea+crocata,于2020年6月15日访问); Euro + Med PlantBase(http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/PTaxonDetail.asp?NameCache=Centaurea&PTRefFk=7000000,2020年6月15日访问)。

矢车菊crocata甘德。(Obs。Centaurea:13。1873年)由Gandoger在一本小册子中出版,标题为《 Ospects sur les Centaurea decipiens(Thuill。),transalpina(Schleich。)ettubulosa(Chabert)。这本小册子包括的22种新的由Gandoger,即描述矢车菊夜蛾C. crocataC. dealbescensC.谷精草C. fallacinaC.柔枝C. foliosa [NOM。illeg。,非Boiss。[&Kotschy],C. gracilescensC. grandifoliaC. incurvataC. intermixtaC. lucescensC. lyratifoliaC. myriocladaC. pseudomicroptilonC. pulmonariifoliaC.萨包达C. seminutansC. subcanaC. subconicaC. torridaC. valida。这些物种从未被接受过,并且在任何主要植物区系中都没有被反映,甚至没有作为同义词反映出来(例如,Tutin等人的Dostál,Fl。Eur。4:254-301。1976)。值得注意的是,即使法国的植物区系(法国科斯特岛,法国2. 1906;法国圭诺谢特和维尔莫林,法国4. 1982)也没有提及其中任何一种,即使所有物种都来自该地区附近。里昂(法国)。它们要么不会出现在主要数据库中,例如Euro + Med(见上文)或Tela Botanica(https://www.tela-botanica.org/?s=Centaurea%20&in=flore,2019年10月8日访问),否则如《植物名录》(http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/search?q=Centaurea,在2019年10月8日访问)所示,它们被标记为“未解决”。克罗卡塔鳄标本的仔细检查保存在里昂和指定为选型(LY0004276,https://herbier2014.univ-lyon1.fr/fiche/6649,访问2019年10月8日)显示,在声称品种落入广泛的变异C.黑L.

Gandoger的小册子中所述的矢车菊物种的解雇是一致的,也不是令人惊讶的。在一个较小的地理区域内出现了许多新的矢车菊物种,令人高度怀疑,没有人出于充分的理由认真对待这种疗法。我们在这里可以回想起Rothmaler出版的有关Gandoger的极其消极的看法(在Taxon 11:156–160。1962)。难怪Gandoger的作品大号(他的27卷Flora Europae terrarumque邻舍)出现在《深圳守则》(Wiersema等人)的附录I(被压抑作品)中,网址为https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/botany/codes -proposals / 2018+ [2020年3月17日访问]),其中没有有效公布任何物种名称。

提出不同的名称(Centaurea francoi Figueiredo&Gideon F.Sm. in Phytotaxa 344(1):99. 2018),因为以前存在分类学上空心且从未被接受的物种不会有助于命名稳定性。作为C. crocata Franco,该分类单元在将近30年的文献中一直有引文记录和深入研究:由Garcia-Jacas(Estudi Taxon。Biosist。EspèciesCentaurea宗Acrocentron。Diss。,巴塞罗那大学,1992年); Garcia-Jacas&Susanna(lc)提出,这是杂交物种形成的一个很好的例子。由费尔南德斯·卡萨斯(FernándezCasas)(于Fontqueria 48:221。1998)描述一个密切相关的物种时;由Font&al。(Pl。Syst。Evol。234:15–26。2002),其中包括C. crocata矢车菊属的分子系统发育中。杂技演员; 由Font&al。在该组的扩展分子系统发育中(在Ann。Bot。(Oxford)103:985-997。2009);由Garcia-Jacas等人撰写。(Molec。Phylogen。Evol。52:377-394),他在分子基础上证实了杂交起源的假说。通过Moreyra(Origin Multiploid Complexs C. tentudaica and C. crocata。M.Sc. Diss。,巴塞罗那大学.2019); 在伊比利亚半岛的两个现代植物区系中,该名称均以该名称列出:佛朗哥(lc)和德维萨(lc)。葡萄牙以该名称开始进行保护工作(https://listavermelha-flora.pt/especies/,2020年6月15日访问)。在这种情况下,在我们看来,更改描述良好,被广泛接受并经过深入研究的名称是不合适的Centaurea crocata Franco为C. francoi Figueiredo&Gideon F.Sm. (lc),因此我们建议将Centaurea crocata Franco的名称与早期的C. crocata Gand保留在一起。
