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Evaluating the hydrological response of a boreal fen following the removal of a temporary access road
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125928
Matthew C. Elmes , Eric Kessel , Corey M. Wells , George Sutherland , Jonathan S. Price , Merrin L. Macrae , Richard M. Petrone

Peatlands dominate the landscape (~50% of total area) in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) in northern Alberta, and as such, are susceptible to hydrological disturbance from oil sands mining and exploration. In this study, we explore the hydrochemical response of a disturbed fen (Firebag Fen) in the AOSR following the removal of a temporary access road that was operational from 2007 to 2013. Prior to road removal flow was impeded at Firebag Fen, evidenced by inundation on the up-gradient side, and a lower water table on the down-gradient side of the road. Reclamation included the road removal of the ~0.5 m thick road, including 0.15 m of clay, 0.3 m of mud and organics, and 0.05 m of gravel, which left a surficial depression following removal. Peat samples (n = 139) collected immediately following road removal demonstrated significantly greater bulk densities on the down-gradient side relative to the up-gradient side of the fen, and in the road-removed area relative to up- and down-gradient areas. These combined changes decreased the average hydraulic conductivity of the fen by ~79%, which reduced water discharge across the site. Another peat sampling campaign in 2016 (n = 48), three years after removal, showed a significant decrease in bulk density where the road was removed, to within the range of values observed at areas up and down-gradient of the road. These changes increased the average hydraulic conductivity of the entire system by 64%, compared to that which was measured in 2013, with water discharge 9 and 12% higher than in 2013, during characteristically dry and wet periods, respectively. Some changes to the water chemistry (n = 24–28 for each sampling date) of the fen were also detected but patterns were different among parameters measured. For example, median concentrations on the down-gradient side of the road were 1651% (NO3), 280% (SO42−) and 135% (Cl) higher relative to the up-gradient side of the road. Over time following road removal, differences were reduced to 100% for nitrate, 192% for sulphate, 108% for chloride, while other parameters remained relatively unchanged (Ca2+, Mg2+, K). Continued peat rebound (thus increasing hydraulic conductivity) may occur over time; however, elucidating this would require long-term monitoring. It is concluded that despite the impacts that were caused to the site, the natural hydrologic regime of the fen was able to operate following removal. Removal and reclamation should be considered as a worthwhile venture for roads that extend through fens and are no longer in use.



泥炭地主导着艾伯塔省北部阿萨巴斯卡油砂地区(AOSR)的景观(约占总面积的50%),因此容易受到油砂开采和勘探的水文干扰。在这项研究中,我们研究了一条从2007年至2013年运营的临时通道被拆除后,AOSR中受干扰的芬(Firebag Fen)的水化学响应。在拆除之前,Firebag Fen的道路畅通,这被淹没所证明。在坡度较高的一侧,而较低的地下水位在道路的坡度较低的一侧。填海包括对约0.5 m厚的道路进行道路拆除,其中包括0.15 m的粘土,0.3 m的泥土和有机物以及0.05 m的砾石,拆除后留下了浅表的凹陷。道路拆除后立即收集的泥炭样品(n = 139)显示出相对于the向上坡度侧的向下坡度侧和相对于向上坡度和向下坡度区域的道路清除区的堆积密度明显更高。这些综合变化使decreased的平均水力传导率降低了约79%,从而减少了整个站点的排水量。在拆除后三年,2016年的另一次泥炭采样活动(n = 48)显示,拆除道路时的堆积密度显着降低,达到了在道路上下坡区域观察到的值范围内。与2013年相比,这些变化将整个系统的平均水力传导率提高了64%,在典型的干旱和湿润时期,排水量比2013年增加了9%和12%,分别。detected的水化学性质也有所变化(每个采样日期n = 24-28),但在所测参数之间模式有所不同。例如,道路向下坡度的中位数浓度为1651%(否3 - ),280%(SO 4 2-)和135%(CL - )相对于所述道路的上升斜度侧高。随时间的道路的去除,差异减少到100%为硝酸盐,硫酸盐为192%,对于氯化物108%,而其他参数保持相对不变(CA 2+,镁2+,K -)。随着时间的流逝,泥炭会持续反弹(从而增加水力传导性)。但是,阐明这一点将需要长期监控。结论是,尽管对场地造成了影响,但removal的自然水文状况在拆除后仍能起作用。拆除和开垦应被认为是一条延伸通过小路而不再使用的道路的有价值的冒险。
