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Characterization of amphiboles from the Kola super-deep borehole, Russia by Raman and infrared spectroscopy
Geoscience Frontiers ( IF 8.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gsf.2020.12.013
Bhaskar J. Saikia , G. Parthasarathy , Felix F. Gorbatsevich , Rashmi R. Borah

We present here for the first time, the Raman and infrared spectroscopic investigation of amphiboles from the World's deepest borehole, the Kola super-deep borehole, at the depth of 11.66 km. The Kola Super-deep borehole (SG-3) (henceforth referred as KSDB) is located in the northwest of the Kola Peninsula in the northern frame of the Pechenga structure, Russia. It was drilled in the north-eastern part of the Baltic Shield (69о5’N, 30о44’E) and reached a depth of 12.262 km. It has been drilled in the northern limb of the Pechenga geosyncline composed of rhythmically inter-bedded volcanogenic and tuffaceous-sedimentary strata extending to the NW at 300°–310° and dipping to SW at angles of 30°–50°. The SG-3 geological section is represented by two complexes – Proterozoic and Archaean. Amphibolite facies is dominant in the depth region from 6000 m to 12,000 m to the deepest.

The Raman spectra of the sample reveal abundant presence of plagioclase and amphiboles. The most distinct Raman peak in this study indicates the tremolite-ferro-actinolite rich enrichment of the borehole samples at this depth corroborating earlier conventional petrographic studies.



我们第一次在这里展示拉曼光谱和红外光谱法研究的是世界上最深的井眼(可乐超深井眼)在11.66公里处的闪石。Kola超深钻孔(SG-3)(以下简称KSDB)位于俄罗斯Pechenga构造北部框架中的Kola半岛西北部。这是在(69波罗的海盾的东北部钻о 5'N,30 о44'E)到达12.262公里的深度。它是在Pechenga地心线的北肢钻出的,该地心线由有节奏的层状火山成因和凝灰质沉积层组成,在300°–310°延伸至西北,并以30°–50°的倾角向西南倾斜。SG-3地质段由两个复合体组成:元古代和古生界。在6000 m至12,000 m的最深区域中,闪石岩相占主导地位。

