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Evaluation of water quality and potential metal contamination in ecologically important Bhindawas bird sanctuary, India
Applied Water Science ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s13201-020-01334-9
Vandana Shan , S. K. Singh , A. K. Haritash

Considering the environmental, agricultural, and ecological significance of Bhindawas wetland, the present study is the first comprehensive investigation to assess the water quality, determine the suitability of water for aquatic life in the wetland; and its suitability for irrigation in areas around the wetland. Twenty samples of water from Bhindawas wetland were analyzed and spatial variations of dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved phosphate, nitrate, and biological oxygen demand (BOD5) were observed. The concentration of DO was higher in areas with shallow depth and rich growth of submerged vegetation compared to deeper areas with no vegetation. Spatial variations of phosphate, nitrate, and heavy metals correlated with nesting zone of birds, runoff from agricultural fields, and wastewater from adjoining villages, respectively. Values of heavy metal pollution index (HPI), heavy metal evaluation index (HEI), and degree of contamination (Cd) in water confirmed high level of metal contamination of the medium. Based on the water quality index (WQI), the water was unsuitable for aquatic life and use in agricultural utilization. It can be concluded that water quality of Bhindawas wetland was adversely affected by heavy metals, which is a cause of concern since this wetland is a temporary resort of migratory birds. Immediate intervention is required to improve the water quality, especially scrutiny and inspection of the added wastewater from surrounding villages, and runoff from adjoining agricultural fields.



考虑到Binddawas湿地的环境,农业和生态意义,本研究是首次全面评估水质,确定水对湿地水生生物的适宜性;以及其在湿地附近灌溉的适用性。分析了20个Bhindawas湿地的水样,并分析了溶解氧(DO),溶解磷酸盐,硝酸盐和生物需氧量的空间变化(BOD 5)。与没有植被的较深地区相比,在深度较浅且淹没植被丰富的地区,溶解氧的浓度较高。磷酸盐,硝酸盐和重金属的空间变化分别与鸟类的筑巢区,农田的径流和邻近村庄的废水有关。重金属污染指数(HPI),重金属评估指数(HEI)和污染度(C d)在水中确认介质中金属污染程度高。根据水质指数(WQI),该水不适合水生生物和农业利用。可以得出结论,Binddawas湿地的水质受到重金属的不利影响,这是一个令人担忧的问题,因为该湿地是候鸟的临时度假胜地。需要立即采取措施以改善水质,尤其是对周围村庄增加的废水以及毗邻农田的径流进行检查和检查。
