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Supersonic Travel Returns: Boom's XB-1 test aircraft may usher in faster-than-sound commercial flight
IEEE Spectrum ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mspec.2021.9311455
Philip E. Ross

The Concorde, the world's first supersonic airliner, landed for the last time 17 years ago. It was a beautiful feat of engineering, but it never turned a profit. So why should we believe that Boom Supersonic can do better now?


超音速旅行归来:Boom 的 XB-1 测试飞机可能迎来超音速商业飞行

世界上第一架超音速客机协和式飞机最后一次降落是在 17 年前。这是一项美丽的工程壮举,但从未盈利。那么我们为什么要相信 Boom Supersonic 现在可以做得更好呢?