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A Small Island Waits On Big Data Rates: Satellite operators salivate over access to Google's Equiano cable, but St. Helena's telecom monopoly stands in the way
IEEE Spectrum ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mspec.2021.9311452
Michael Koziol

Since 1989, the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic has relied on a single 7.6-meter satellite dish to connect the island's residents to the rest of the world. While the download and upload speeds have increased over the years, the roughly 4,500 Saints, as the island's residents call themselves, still share a measly 40-megabit-per-second downlink and a 14.4-Mb/s uplink to stay connected.


小岛等待大数据速率:卫星运营商对谷歌的 Equiano 电缆的接入垂涎三尺,但圣赫勒拿的电信垄断阻碍了

自 1989 年以来,南大西洋的圣赫勒拿岛一直依靠一个 7.6 米长的卫星天线将岛上的居民与世界其他地方连接起来。虽然下载和上传速度多年来有所提高,但岛上居民自称的大约 4,500 名圣徒仍然共享一个可怜的每秒 40 兆比特的下行链路和 14.4 兆比特/秒的上行链路以保持连接。