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bloomRF: On Performing Range-Queries with Bloom-Filters based on Piecewise-Monotone Hash Functions and Dyadic Trace-Trees
arXiv - CS - Databases Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: arxiv-2012.15596
Christian Riegger, Arthur Bernhardt, Bernhard Moessner, Ilia Petrov

We introduce bloomRF as a unified method for approximate membership testing that supports both point- and range-queries on a single data structure. bloomRF extends Bloom-Filters with range query support and may replace them. The core idea is to employ a dyadic interval scheme to determine the set of dyadic intervals covering a data point, which are then encoded and inserted. bloomRF introduces Dyadic Trace-Trees as novel data structure that represents those covering intervals implicitly. A Trace-Tree encoding scheme represents the set of covering intervals efficiently, in a compact bit representation. Furthermore, bloomRF introduces novel piecewise-monotone hash functions that are locally order-preserving and thus support range querying. We present an efficient membership computation method for range-queries. Although, bloomRF is designed for integers it also supports string and floating-point data types. It can also handle multiple attributes and serve as multi-attribute filter. We evaluate bloomRF in RocksDB and in a standalone library. bloomRF is more efficient and outperforms existing point-range-filters by up to 4x across a range of settings.


