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(2783) Proposal to conserve the name Micropera rostrata (Roxb.) N.P. Balakr. (Orchidaceae) against M. rostrata (Sacc. & Ellis) Höhn. (Phaeosphaeriaceae)
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12397
I.M. Turner 1, 2

(2783) Micropera rostrata (Roxb.) N.P. Balakr. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 67: 66. 1970 (‘rostratum’) (Aerides rostrata Roxb., Fl. Ind., ed. 1832, 3: 474. Oct–Dec 1832 (‘rostratum’)) [Angiosp.: Orchid.], nom. cons. prop.

Lectotypus (vide Seidenfaden in Opera Bot. 95: 126. 1988): [icon] Icones Roxburghianae No. 2348 (K).

(H) Micropera rostrata (Sacc. & Ellis) Höhn. in Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien, Math.‐Naturwiss. Cl., Abt. 1, 125: 37. 1916 (Hendersonia rostrata Sacc. & Ellis in Michelia 2: 572. 1 Dec 1882) [Fungi], nom. rej. prop.

Typus: U.S.A., New Jersey, Newfield, “in cortice ramorum Pini”, Ellis 3530 (NY barcode 00830353; isotypus: MICH barcode MICH15712).

In 1832, Lindley described the orchid genus Micropera (Lindley in Edwards's Bot. Reg. 18: ad t. 1522. 1822). Some 14 years later, Léveillé used the same name for a genus of fungi (Léveillé in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot, ser. 3, 5: 283. 1846). Micropera Léveillé is therefore an illegitimate later homonym of Micropera Lindl., and hence fungal species names in Micropera cannot be accepted as correct. However, nomenclatural correction across kingdoms at species level has not been given much attention and inevitably some problems have remained undetected for a considerable period. One such is noted here. Balakrishnan (in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 67: 66. 1970) transferred the orchid Aerides rostrata Roxb. (Fl. Ind., ed. 1832, 3: 474. 1832) to Micropera, surely in ignorance of the fact that in doing so he was creating an illegitimate later homonym of the fungus binomial Micropera rostrata (Sacc. & Ellis) Höhn. (in Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien, Math.‐Naturwiss. Cl., Abt. 1, 125: 37. 1916), based on Hendersonia rostrata Sacc. & Ellis (in Michelia 2: 572. 1882).

Micropera rostrata (Lindl.) N.P. Balakr. is in current use for an orchid species native to North‐East India (Bose & al., Orchids India, ed. 2: 334. 1999 (‘rostratum’); Chowdhery, Orchid Fl. Arunachal Pradesh: 512. 1998), Bangladesh (Huda in Ahmed & al., Encycl. Fl. Fauna Bangladesh 12: 97. 2008) and Myanmar (Kress & al. in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 45: 83. 2003).

The purpose of this proposal is to maintain nomenclatural stability by conserving Micropera rostrata (Lindl.) N.P. Balakr. against M. rostrata (Sacc. & Ellis) Höhn. The fungus name is obscure (not listed in Index Fungorum http://www.indexfungorum.org, accessed 8 Sep 2020), and both unused and unusable. The orchid name is in current use, not just in national and regional floras and checklists, but also in the orchid trade judging from many internet entries. If the proposal is not accepted then a new combination based on Camarotis purpurea Lindl. (Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 219. 1833) will be required for the orchid.


(2783)建议保留名称Micropera rostrata(Roxb。)NP Balakr。(兰科)对付M. rostrata(Sacc。&Ellis)Höhn。(菊科)

(2783)Micropera rostrata(Roxb。)NP Balakr。在J.孟买Nat。历史。Soc。1970年,第67卷:66(rostratum)(Aerides rostrata Roxb。,佛罗里达工业版,1832年,第3期:474。1832年12月至12月(' rostratum '))[Angiosp .:兰花。],标称。缺点 支柱。

Lectotypus(见Seidenfaden于Opera Bot。95:126. 1988):[icon] Icones Roxburghianae No. 2348(K)。

(H)百子莲(Sper。&Ellis)Höhn。在西贡斯伯。Kaiserl。阿卡德 Wiss。,Wien,Math.-Naturwiss。Cl。,Abt。1,125:37。1916年(1882年1月1日,Hendersonia rostrata Sacc。和Ellis在Michelia 2:572中)。rej。支柱。

伤寒:美国,新泽西州,纽菲尔德,“皮皮中皮尼”,Ellis 3530(NY条码00830353;同型症:MICH条码MICH15712)。

1832年,林德利(Lindley)描述了兰花属Micropera(爱德华兹(Edwards)的Bot。Reg。18中的林德利(Lindley):广告号1522. 1822)。大约14年后,Léveillé对真菌属使用了相同的名称(Ann。Sci。Nat。Bot,ser。3,5:283. 1846)中的Léveillé。Micropera因此列维尔是非法后谐音Micropera石斛,并因此在真菌物种名称Micropera不能被接受为正确。但是,在物种级别上对各个王国的命名法校正并未给予足够的重视,并且不可避免地在相当长的一段时间内仍未发现一些问题。这里提到了一种。Balakrishnan(在J. Bombay Nat。Hist。Soc。67:66. 1970中)转让了兰花Aerides rostrataRoxb。(Fl。Ind。,ed。1832,3:474. 1832)归因Micropera,他无视这样的事实,即他这样做是为了创建真菌二项式Micropera rostrata(Sacc。&Ellis)Höhn的非法后同名。(Sitzungsber。Kaiserl。Akad。Wiss。,Wien,Math.-Naturwiss.Cl。,Abt。1,125:37. 1916),基于Hendersonia rostrata Sacc。&Ellis(在Michelia 2:572。1882年)。

罗氏隐孢子虫(Micropera rostrata)(林德)NP Balakr。目前用于印度东北部的兰花物种(Bose等人,Orchids India,第2版:334。1999 (“ rostratum ”); Chowdhery,Orchid Fl。Arunachal Pradesh:512。1998),孟加拉国(Huda in Ahmed等,Encycl.Fl.Fauna Bangladesh 12:97。2008)和缅甸(Kress等在Contr。US Natl.Herb。45:83。2003)。

该建议的目的是通过保留Micropera rostrata(Lindl。)NP Balakr来保持命名稳定性。对阵M. rostrata(Sacc。&Ellis)Höhn。真菌名称晦涩难懂(未在Index Fungorum http://www.indexfungorum.org中列出,访问时间为2020年9月8日),并且未使用和无法使用。目前,兰花的名称不仅在国家和地区植物区系和清单中使用,而且从许多互联网条目来看,在兰花贸易中也是如此。如果提案不被接受,则基于Camarotis purpurea Lindl的新组合。(Gen. Sp。Orchid。Pl .: 219. 1833)将需要兰花。
