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(026) Proposal to add a new Recommendation after Article 7 and a new entry to the Glossary
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12375
Jefferson Prado 1, 2 , Regina Y. Hirai 1 , Robbin C. Moran 3

In the protologue of Polypodium platylobum Baker (in Hooker & Baker, Syn. Fil.: 307. 1867), the author presented, just after the species description, the following citation of a gathering: “Hab. Tarapota, N. E. Peru, Spruce, 4656.” Subsequently, 124 years later in Pteridophyta of Peru, Tryon & Stolze (in Fieldiana, Bot., n.s., 27: 15. 1991) published the following nomenclatural paragraph for this name:

Polypodium platylobum Baker, Syn. fil. 307. 1867. TYPE: Mt. Guayrapurima, near Tarapoto (San Martín), Spruce 4656 (holotype, K!; isotypes, BM!, K!, P!).”

An experienced nomenclaturist will notice two things about the kinds of types cited by Tryon & Stolze (l.c.). First, the name was published in 1867, long before the type method became common practice. Baker, when he cited the entire gathering “Spruce, 4656” in the protologue, did not mention “type” or anything that would have designated a holotype, as the subsequent paragraph by Tryon & Stolze appears to claim. Second, there are four specimens of the gathering by Spruce, each in different herbaria. That means there are four syntypes, not a holotype and its isotypes (Art. 9.6 of the Shenzhen Code – Turland & al. in Regnum Veg. 159. 2018).

An experienced nomenclaturist will also note that the paragraph by Tryon & Stolze lectotypified the name, although nowhere is this evident in the paragraph itself. By citing (even incorrectly) Spruce 4656 at K as the “holotype”, that specimen must be treated as the lectotype under Art. 7.11 (cf. Ex. 13) and Art. 9.10 (cf. Ex. 11) of the Shenzhen Code. Note that it was never the intent of Tryon & Stolze to lectotypify, but that is exactly what happened according to the current rules of the Code.

Instances such as the above are common for many early names that were based on syntypes or uncited original material. These names were often lectotypified unknowingly when a later author cited one of the syntypes (or uncited specimens) as “type” or “holotype”. Much less often, names were neotypified when there was no original material but a specimen wrongly believed to be such was designated as “type” or “holotype” (see Art. 7 Ex. 14). The specimen cited was usually one present in the describing author's herbarium or home institution.

Accordingly, lectotypifications and neotypifications may be achieved in two ways. First, before 1 January 2001, they may be achieved non‐explicitly, as in the above example. Second, on or after 1 January 2001, they must be achieved explicitly by stating “lectotypus” or “neotypus” (see Art. 9.23) and “designated here” (see Art. 7.11) or equivalents of these words (e.g. abbreviations or in other languages).

The above example—and thousands like it—cause confusion in two ways. First, the incorrect kind of type (by today's definitions) is accepted, not corrected, by later taxonomists. Second, the lecto‐ or neotypification is overlooked by taxonomists because it was made non‐explicitly, without the conspicuous “designated here” or equivalent. This oversight may result in a new and superfluous lecto‐ or neotypification. Unfortunately, both confusions tend to be perpetuated in monographs, floras, and databases.

To avoid this situation, it would be helpful to have a term that brings attention to non‐explicit lecto‐ and neotypifications. Accordingly, we propose the term “non‐explicit typification”. It should help bring attention to this often overlooked manner of lectotypification and (to a far lesser degree) neotypification, not only for a particular name, but also for names in general.



作者在鸭嘴兽Polypodium platylobum Baker(Hooker&Baker,Syn。Fil .: 307. 1867)的原始序言中,在物种描述之后,提出了以下采集的引文:秘鲁东北部塔拉波塔,云杉,4656。” 随后,124年后,Tryon&Stolze在秘鲁的蕨类植物中(位于美国田纳西州菲尔德安娜,ns,27:15. 1991)发表了该名称的以下命名法段落:

鸭嘴兽(Polypodium platylobum Baker),Syn。fil。307。1867年。类型:山 塔拉波托(圣马丁)附近的Guayrapurima,云杉4656(整型,K !;同型,BM!,K!,P!)。”

有经验的术语学家会注意到Tryon&Stolze(lc)引用的类型的两件事。首先,该名称于1867年发布,远远早于类型方法成为惯例。贝克在整个序言中将整个聚会标为“云杉,4656”时,并未提及“类型”或任何将其指定为整型的字样,因为随后的Tryon&Stolze段落似乎声称。其次,有四个云杉采集的标本,每个标本都在不同的草本植物中。这意味着存在四种同型,而不是全型及其同型(《深圳法规》第9.6– Turland等人,Regnum Veg。159. 2018)。





