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Updated demographically adjusted norms for the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-revised and Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-revised in Spanish-speakers from the U.S.-Mexico border region: The NP-NUMBRS project
The Clinical Neuropsychologist ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2020.1861329
Mirella Díaz-Santos 1 , Paola A Suárez 1 , María J Marquine 2 , Anya Umlauf 2 , Monica Rivera Mindt 3, 4 , Lidia Artiola I Fortuny 5 , Robert K Heaton 2 , Mariana Cherner 2



We generated demographically adjusted norms for the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-revised (BVMT-R) and the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-revised (HVLT-R) for Spanish-speakers from the U.S.-Mexico border region as part of a larger normative project. Methods: Healthy native Spanish-speakers (n = 203; Age: 19–60 years; Education: 0–20 years, 59% women) living in Arizona (n = 63) and California (n = 140) completed the BVMT-R and the HVLT-R as part of the larger Neuropsychological Norms for the U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) project. Raw scores were converted to T-scores utilizing fractional polynomial equations, which considered linear and non-linear effects of demographic variables (age, education, sex). To demonstrate the benefit of employing our population-specific norms, we computed the proportion of our participants whose test performance fell below one standard deviation (T-score < 40) when applying published norms from non-Hispanic English-speakers, compared to the base rate derived from the new normative sample. Results: The resulting demographically adjusted T-scores showed the expected psychometric properties and corrected the misclassification in rates of impairment that were obtained when applying norms based on the English-speaking sample. Unexpectedly, participants in Arizona obtained slightly lower HVLT-R T-scores than those in California. This site effect was not explained by available sociodemographic or language factors. Supplementary formulas were computed adjusting for site in addition to demographics. Conclusions: These updated norms improve accuracy in identification of learning and memory impairment among Spanish-speaking adults living in the U.S.-Mexico border region. It will be important to generate additional data for elders, as the present norms are only applicable to adults age 60 and younger.


更新了美国-墨西哥边境地区讲西班牙语的人的简要视觉空间记忆测试修订版和霍普金斯语言学习测试修订版的人口统计调整规范:NP-NUMBRS 项目



作为更大的规范项目的一部分,我们为来自美墨边境地区的讲西班牙语的人制定了经过人口统计调整的简短视觉空间记忆测试修订版 (BVMT-R) 和霍普金斯语言学习测试修订版 (HVLT-R)。方法: 生活在亚利桑那州(n =  63)和加利福尼亚州n = 140) 完成了 BVMT-R 和 HVLT-R 作为西班牙美墨边境地区更大的神经心理学规范 (NP-NUMBRS) 项目的一部分。利用分数多项式方程将原始分数转换为 T 分数,该方程考虑了人口变量(年龄、教育、性别)的线性和非线性影响。为了证明采用我们针对特定人群的规范的好处,我们计算了在应用来自非西班牙裔英语使用者的已发布规范时,测试表现低于一个标准差(T-score < 40)的参与者的比例,与基数相比率来自新的规范样本。结果:由此产生的人口统计调整的 T 分数显示了预期的心理测量特性,并纠正了在应用基于英语样本的规范时获得的损伤率的错误分类。出乎意料的是,亚利桑那州的参与者获得的 HVLT-R T 分数略低于加利福尼亚州的参与者。可用的社会人口学或语言因素无法解释这种场地效应。除了人口统计数据之外,还计算了针对站点的补充公式。结论:这些更新的规范提高了居住在美墨边境地区的讲西班牙语的成年人识别学习和记忆障碍的准确性。为老年人生成更多数据非常重要,因为目前的规范仅适用于 60 岁及以下的成年人。
