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Genomic and transcriptomic studies on chilling injury in peach and nectarine
Postharvest Biology and Technology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2020.111444
Susan Lurie

Peaches and nectarines are temperate climate stone fruit, which should be stored at 0 °C to prevent ripening of these climacteric fruit. However, if stored for too long they will develop chilling injury when removed from cold storage. The disorders which develop are internal and not detectable until the fruit is consumed. Chilling injury damage includes; 1) dry, mealy, woolly (lack of juice) fruit, 2) hard-textured fruit with no juice (leatheriness), 3) flesh browning, 4) flesh bleeding or internal reddening (Lurie and Crisosto, 2005). There are genetic components to these disorders in that early season fruit are generally more resistant than late season fruit, and white fleshed fruit more susceptible to internal browning than yellow fleshed fruit. This review examines genomic and transcriptomic studies which have endeavored to find quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and genes responsible for the different chilling injury symptoms.



桃子和油桃是温带气候核果,应将其存放在0°C下,以防止这些更年期的果实成熟。但是,如果存放时间过长,将它们从冷藏库中取出时会引起冰冻伤害。所产生的疾病是内部的,只有在食用水果后才能发现。低温伤害包括:1)干燥,粉状,羊毛状(缺乏果汁)的水果; 2)质地不硬的水果,没有果汁(皮革); 3)果肉褐变; 4)果肉出血或内部变红(Lurie和Crisosto,2005)。这些疾病具有遗传成分,因为早季水果通常比晚季水果更具抗性,白色果肉的水果比黄色果肉更容易发生内部褐变。
