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Three new species of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae: Monstereae) from the Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa Rica, threatened by the expansion of coffee plantations
Nordic Journal of Botany ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-29 , DOI: 10.1111/njb.02970
Marco Cedeño‐Fonseca 1 , Michael H. Grayum 2 , Thomas B. Croat 2 , Mario A. Blanco 3, 4

Monstera alfaroi Croat & M. Cedeño, M. tarrazuensis Croat & M. Cedeño and M. wilsoniensis M. Cedeño & Grayum, all apparently endemic to central and southern Costa Rica at middle elevations on the Pacific slope, are described as new species. Monstera alfaroi is characterized by having warty light brown petioles with undulate sheaths, very large adult leaves and inflorescences with warty peduncles, and externally light green spathes. Monstera tarrazuensis is characterized by its smooth, light green petioles with white dots and deciduous sheaths, coriaceous, entire leaf blades and inflorescences on hanging stems. Monstera wilsoniensis is characterized by its deciduous petiole sheaths, cordate or subcordate, weakly or not fenestrated leaf blades with entire margins and numerous primary lateral veins, and inflorescences in ascending or hanging stems. The three novelties are compared, respectively, with M. buseyi Croat & Grayum, M. luteynii Madison and M. adansonii Schott, and all are illustrated with color photos of living material.



Monstera alfaroi Croat&M.CedeñoM。tarrazuensis Croat&M.CedeñoM. wilsoniensis M.Cedeño&Grayum显然是太平洋斜坡中部海拔的哥斯达黎加中南部特有种,被描述为新物种。龟背竹的特征是具有浅褐色的具叶柄,具波浪状的鞘,非常大的成年叶片和具有细柄的花序,外部有浅绿色的茶匙。塔拉祖海龟的特征是其光滑,浅绿色的叶柄,具白色小点和落叶鞘,,状,整个叶片,花序挂在茎上。野生龟背竹其特征是其落叶的叶柄鞘,心形或近心形,具微弱或不具开孔的叶片,具全缘和许多初级侧脉,花序在升生或垂挂的茎中。将这三个新奇分别与M. buseyi Croat&Grayum,M。luteynii Madison和M. adansonii Schott进行比较,并用彩色照片生动地举例说明。