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Optimization of restoration techniques: In-situ transplantation experiment of an endangered clonal plant species (Typha minima Hoppe)
Ecological Engineering ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.106130
Nadège Popoff , Renaud Jaunatre , Caroline Le Bouteiller , Yoan Paillet , Gilles Favier , Morgane Buisson , Camille Meyer , Eric Dedonder , André Evette

In the current context of biodiversity erosion, ecological restoration is sometimes the only way to reinforce plant population and preserve them from the deterioration of their natural habitat. Dwarf bulrush (Typha minima Hoppe) is an endangered pioneer clonal plant, which grows in frequently disturbed habitats along Eurasian temperate piedmont rivers. In the Alps, its population has decreased by 85% over the last century and numerous pressures (e.g. river works) continue to threaten its remnants. The main objective of this study is to identify an adapted ecological engineering protocol for field transplantation of T. minima in order to maximize restoration success. Several transplantation experiments were implemented between 2013 and 2016 along a French alpine river, the Isère. Five distinct transplantation protocols were tested by individually varying the following parameters: bank type (redesigned bank and embankment protection), transplantation height above water level (5 levels between +0.45 m and + 1.55 m above the average water level), initial biomass transplanted (high, medium and low), initial plot shape (linear strip or square plots) and species association (without or with Salicaceae or Poaceae). During the first two or three years, several clonal traits relative to the spatial monopolization and colonization abilities of T. minima were monitored and analyzed. Our analysis showed that T. minima's ability to colonize was optimal on natural banks, at medium transplantation heights and in linear strip plots. In addition, spatial monopolization and colonization speed, through both sexual and vegetative reproduction, were maximized with a higher initial biomass. Lastly, species association did not affect the colonization ability of T. minima. Our study provides valuable information for future conservation plans and restoration projects for T. minima.



在当前生物多样性受到侵蚀的情况下,生态恢复有时是增强植物种群并保护其免受自然栖息地破坏的唯一途径。矮芦苇(香蒲Typha minima Hoppe))是一种濒临灭绝的先驱克隆植物,生长在欧亚温带山麓河沿岸经常受到干扰的栖息地中。在阿尔卑斯山,上个世纪人口减少了85%,许多压力(例如河道工程)继续威胁着其残余物。这项研究的主要目的是确定适合的生态工程协议,用于田鼠的最小移植为了最大程度地恢复成功。在2013年至2016年之间,沿着法国高山河流Isère进行了几次移植实验。通过分别改变以下参数来测试五种不同的移植方案:堤岸类型(重新设计的堤岸和堤防保护),高于水位的移植高度(高于平均水位的5个等级在+0.45 m至+1.55 m之间),初始生物量移植(高,中和低),初始样地形状(线性带状或正方形样地)和物种关联(无或与杨柳科或禾本科)。在最初的两年或三年中,对与最小拟南芥的空间垄断和定殖能力有关的几个克隆性状进行了监测和分析。我们的分析表明,T。minima在自然移植,中等移植高度和线性条带图上,其定殖能力是最佳的。此外,通过有性繁殖和无性繁殖的空间垄断和定居速度都以较高的初始生物量最大化。最后,物种关联并没有影响最小隐孢子虫的定殖能力。我们的研究为今后的T. minima保护规划和恢复工程提供了有价值的信息。
