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Mathematical Modeling of a Power Line–Electric Drive–Pump–Pipeline Power Technological Complex
Russian Electrical Engineering Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.3103/s1068371220100089
V. I. Panteleev , A. N. Pakhomov , A. A. Fedorenko


In this paper, a block diagram of a power line–electric drive–pump–pipeline system consisting of individual interconnected elements that makes it possible to use the structural method for mathematical modeling is presented. The results of the modeling confirm the viability of the proposed mathematical models. It is shown that, due to a considerable inertia of turbo mechanisms, the electromagnetic phenomena in the electric drive can be neglected so as to simplify significantly the structure of the studied system. Soft acceleration of the asynchronous motor by means of a soft starter makes it possible almost to eliminate the shock surges of the moment, which has a positive effect on the turbo mechanism operation. However, the high-frequency component of voltage, which emerges due to the soft starter operation, can affect the operation of other energy consumers. The applicability and efficiency of using polar coordinates to construct mathematical models of complex technical systems containing three-phase electromechanical energy transducers is confirmed.




